- Scatter and look for them, dogs! 快分头去找,你们这些狗东西!
- Applies only to XY scatter and bubble charts. 仅适用于XY散点图和气泡图。
- scattered and pee 被劫掠
- Clouds scattered and the sun came out. 乌云散去,太阳出来了。
- The king's army was scattered and the king himself was in flight. 国王的军队被击溃,国王本人则逃之夭夭。
- Chances are they will only scatter and paralyze your thinking. 它们很可能分散并中断你的思路。
- Wu Han are inhabited, scattered and mixed ethnic minority areas. 武都是汉族聚居、少数民族散杂居的地区。
- When the ball hit the glass,the team scattered and left Peter holding the bag. 球把玻璃打破后,队员们都跑散了,只剩下彼得一个人来承担责任。
- What about when he poos and pees everywhere? 如果它到处大小便怎么办?
- Brian: what about when he poos and pees everywhere? (如果它到处大小便怎么办?
- Thus, she didn't dare get up rashly and only asked her son if he wanted to go down and pee. 因此不敢冒昧起身,只问小孩子要不要下去撒尿。
- In this thesis, we have studied the synthesis and property of two kinds ofblock copolyester, PETA and PEE. 对比研究了聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯-聚己二酸乙二酯(PETA)和聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯-聚乙二醇(PEE)两种嵌段共聚酯的合成与性能。
- She squatted down and peed with the door open (while he was there). 她尿尿的时候不关上门,那个时候还有男仔呢。
- In multi-channel digital magnetic record/playback heads, the angle between the parallel lines measuring gap scatter and the nominal direction of tape motion over the head assembly. 在多道数字记录/读出磁头中,测量间隙变化的平行线与磁带在磁头组合件上运动的标定方向之间的夹角。
- Poop and pee have lots of germs in them, so we need to wash our hands every time after we go potty. 大小便里有很多细菌,所以每次便后我们都要洗手。
- When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left Peter holding the bag. 球把玻璃打破后,队员们都跑散了,只剩下彼得一个人来承担责任。
- To cause(hunting hounds) to scatter and circle in search of a lost scent. 散开搜寻使(猎狗)散开并且去搜寻一种失落的气味。
- Yun Ju-yun, scattered and sometimes Danruqingyan, sometimes as thick Pomo. 云聚云散,有时淡如轻烟,有时浓如泼墨。
- Our political power exists in scattered and isolated mountainous or remote regions and receives no outside help whatsoever. 我们的政权是分散而又孤立的山地或僻地的政权,没有任何的外间援助。
- The troops were orderd to scatter and then concentrate twenty miles to the south. 这军队奉命解散,然后在南方20英里处集合。