- scheduling control automation by network system 网络系统自动程序控制
- scheduling control automation 自动程序控制
- Simulation results show the effectiveness of the scheduling control strategy. 仿真结果验证了所提出调度控制策略的有效性。
- scheduling and control automation by network system 用网络系统实现的调度和控制自动化
- This power control automation system will realize telemeter, tele-signaling, tele-control and tele-regulation in power network. 这种电力控制自动系统可实现电网中的遥测、遥信、遥控和遥调。
- Intelligent control is the hotpot in contemporary research, many scholars commit themselves to applying intelligent control to electronic control automation. 智能控制是目前研究的热点,有许多学者致力于将智能控制应用于电气传动领域。
- Which of the following is not an input to schedule control? 下列哪个因素不是进度控制的输入?
- The system, which included the power distribution, transformers, SINAMICS drives, electrical housing, motors and control automation, was installed under a turnkey contract during a short plant shutdown with overall Siemens management and responsibility. 该系统包括电力分配、变压器、SINAMICS驱动、电力机房、电动机和控制自动化,这是在西门子的全承包合同下,由西门子全权管理和负责的,并在工厂短暂的停工期之内完成安装的。
- Operations Scheduling Control and Reporting 作战计划控制与报告
- ATCAP Air Traffic Control Automation Panel 空中交通管制自动化专家小组
- Engineer Command and Control Automation System 工兵指挥与控制自动化系统
- Have experience in Design, Procurement or Construction Management and familiar with Cost, Quality, Schedule Control. 具有设计,采购或施工管理经验并熟悉费用控制、质量控制和进度控制。
- Assist the schedule control manager to develop and prepare monthly progress report. 协助计划控制经理编制和汇总公司的月度项目进展报告;
- process control automation system 生产过程自动化
- Work with design team for implementing engineering functions and project schedule control. 和设计团队一起工作,执行工程职能并进行项目进度控制。
- Terminal Radar Approach Control Automation System 终端雷达进场控制自动化系统
- Control automates advertisement selection, changing the displayed advertisement each time the page is refreshed. 控件自动进行循环处理,每刷新一次页面改变一次显示内容。
- Candidates should have experience in Design, Procurement or Construction Management and be familiar with Cost, Quality, and Schedule Control. 具有设计,采购或施工管理经验并熟悉费用控制、质量控制和进度控制。
- Air Traffic Control Automation Panel 空中交通管制自动化小组
- Cidates should have experience in Design, Procurement Construction Management be familiar with Cost, Quality, Schedule Control. 具有设计,采购或施工管理经验并熟悉费用控制、质量控制和进度控制。