- scholar of political science 学术型的政治研究者
- LLB, East China College of Political Science and Law (1983). 法学士,华东政法学院(1983年)。
- Milani is a Visiting Professor of Political Science and the Director of the ... Abbas Milani (born 1949) (毓亘丕爻 賲蹖賱丕賳蹖) is an Iranian-American historian; Iranologist; and author.
- I became a college lecturer in year 2000 in China University of Political science and Law. 工作经历和学术兼职2000年入中国政法大学任教。
- The branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens. 公民学,研究城市事务和公民权利与义务的政治科学的分支。
- The vulgarization of political science is intermingled with the forfeit of its civic education function. 摘要政治学的庸俗化和其公民教育功能的丧失密不可分。
- Holding a postgraduate diploma in investment &economy by School of Political Science and Law, GXNU ( 1998 ) . 1998年获广西师范大学政法学院投资经济专业研究生学历。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- Sep.1994-July.1997: seeking doctor degree in the intitute of political science of CCNU. 1994年9月-1997年7月,华中师范大学科社所攻读博士学位;
- In the continuous development of political science are both revolutional rebellions and inheritance. 在政治学发展的系谱上,既有革命性反叛也有连续性继承。
- A writer, student, or scholar of history. 历史学家研究历史的学生、学者或写历史题材的作家
- Zhong Kaibin. Review and Outlook: China's Emergency Management System. CASS Journal of Political Science, 2009 (1). 钟开斌.;回顾与前瞻:中国应急管理体系建设(J)
- He is respected as a great scholar of history. 他作为一位伟大的历史学者而受尊敬。
- The writer is an associate professor of political science at the University of Richmond. 作者系里士满大学政治学系副教授。
- A student or scholar of mythology. 神话学家,神话编撰者神话学的学生或学者
- Zhong Kaibin. Review and Outlook: China\'s Emergency Management System. CASS Journal of Political Science, 2009 (1). 钟开斌.;回顾与前瞻:中国应急管理体系建设[J]
- He is a scholar of the highest attainments. 他是位造诣很深的学者。
- However losse the realm of political science may be considered to be, it deals with one set of institutions, the political, which can be specifically delimites. 无论政治科学范畴会被看得如何界线不清,但它毕竟是研究一整套可以明确规范其内容的各种政治体制的科学。
- He is a scholar of great attainments. 他是一位造诣很高的学者。
- Today is the scholar of yesterday. 今天是昨天的学者。