- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that a number of foreign scholars of Chinese descent wish to come and settle in China. 外交部反映,有一批华裔学者要求回国。
- A foreign scholar of Chinese descent recently stated that he hopes that China will under no circumstances take the road followed by Taiwan or go about modernization the way Taiwan has, because Taiwan's economy is virtually dominated by the United States. 最近有一位华裔学者说,希望中国无论如何不要走台湾的道路,不要像台湾那样搞现代化,那里的经济实际上是美国控制的经济。
- scholars of Chinese descent 华人学者
- So far three Americans of Chinese descent have won Nobel Prizes. 到目前为止,有三位华裔美国人获得了诺贝尔奖。
- Here they are Indonesians, Malaysians or Filipinos of Chinese descent. 在这里,他们是华裔的印尼人、马来西亚人或菲律宾人。
- Chinese citizens living abroad and persons of Chinese descent are welcome to take part in this promising endeavour. 我们欢迎在海外的华侨、华人参与这个具有前景的事业。
- Chinese living abroad and persons of Chinese descent are welcome to come back for a visit. 我们欢迎海外的华侨、华人都回来走走。
- To the people of Chinese descent,the Lunar New Year is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. 对于华人来说,农历新年无疑是全年最重要的喜庆节日。
- If you are of Chinese descent, you may pay tribute to the tomb of Huangdi(Yellow Emperor), first Chinese emperor. 作为炎黄子孙还可以去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。
- James L.Y. Liu (1926-1986) is a famous American scholar of Chinese origin, who majored in comparative study of Chinese poetry and British poetry. 刘若愚(James L.;Y
- To the people of Chinese descent, the Lunar New Year is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. 对于华人来说,农历新年无疑是全年最重要的喜庆节日。
- Among contemporary scholars of Chinese Philosophy, Thaddeus Hang is most famous for his concern with methodological problems in studying Chinese Philosophy. 摘要在当代中国哲学学者中,项退结特别关心中国哲学方法论问题。
- Tarzan is "a magical mountain " ", "sage Mountain" , is intelligent all people of Chinese descent hometown. 泰山是座“神山”、“圣山”,是炎黄子孙的心灵故乡。
- Rose Kerr has done a great deal of promotion to attract more people of Chinese descent to the exhibition. 柯玫瑰制作不少宣传摺页,并筹办活动,希望吸引更多华人前来参观。
- Zhang Taiyan, a revolutionist and a scholar of modern China, is both an important man in the school of national culture quintessnce, and an influential master of Chinese culture. 摘要中国近世的革命家和学者章太炎是国粹学派的重要人物,又是第一位具有重大影响的国学大师。
- Singaporean of chinese descent living in Guangzhou seeking a soul mate to share the beautiful things in life. 新加坡华侨长住广州,希望能遇上一位能令我动心的女性朋友,共同渡过美丽人生!!
- A writer, student, or scholar of history. 历史学家研究历史的学生、学者或写历史题材的作家
- As an American of Chinese descent, I grew up hearing constant critiques of the terrible Communist dictatorship. 作为一名美国华裔,在成长的过程中我不断听到人们批评糟糕的共产主义独裁状况。
- He is respected as a great scholar of history. 他作为一位伟大的历史学者而受尊敬。
- Born, raised and schooled in Indiana, Bosco is a midwesterner of Chinese descent. 虽然她会读写汉语,但她自己说,“实际上,我是一个纯粹的美国人。”