- The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done. 学校董事们争论不休,但一事无成。
- There, parents and school board members take "tech know" basics classes offered by the Fabens Independent School District. 在那,家长们和学校的全体工作人员人手一册该区提供的基础课程“教学指南”。
- Money is power, and most school board members and superintendents of systems where spending decisions are made at headquarters don't want to give it up. 金钱万能,在那些费用由高层决策的学区中,多数校董及学区主管并不想放弃支配(掌管)费用的权力。
- Alsbury, T. L. (2003). Superintendent and school board member turnover: Political versus 陈成宏(2006)。教育行政领导人员的公共顺服与专业自主之两难:脆弱论题及不
- He was also a member of the Sacred Heart School Board of Trustees. 他也是一位宗教精神学校保管委员会委员。
- Latasha begged School Board members not to close Bethune, 请求学校委员会成员不要关闭贝舒学校。
- The mayor bucked at the school board's suggestion. 市长坚决反对教育委员会的建议。
- Minority of board member opposed the chairman. 董事会成员中的少数人反对董事长。
- A minority of board member opposed the motion. 少数董事会成员反对此动议。
- I'm planning to run for the school board. 我打算竞选联合校董会董事。
- He's running for the school board. 他正在竞选联合校董会董事。
- There are still two vacancies on the school board. 学校董事会还有两个空缺。
- Carter Boswell? He's running for the school board. 他正在竞选联合校。
- My mother is running for the school board? 我母亲竞选联合校董会会董事?
- Evelyn Greer, a board member who voted against the firings, agreed. 一位投票反对解雇的校董会董事伊芙琳·雷尔同意这个观点。
- I am planning to run for the school board. 我计划参加教育委员会竞选。
- He would like to be elected as the 2008 CAGD board member. 他现在志愿竞选2008年CAGD理事会成员。
- I am running for the open seat on the school board. 我正在参加教育委员会委员位置的公开竞选。
- Board member Marvin Cheung (left) and Finance Director Raymond Lai. 董事會成員張建東(左)及財務總監黎永昌。