- When we use "he", we generalize for both sex. 当我们用he时, 我们泛指男女。
- The number of deaths caused by septicaemia for both sexes is 701. 男性及女性因败血病引致的死亡人数是701。
- The number of deaths caused by malignant neoplasms for both sexes is 12310. 男性及女性因恶性肿瘤引致的死亡人数是12310。
- school for both sexes 男女生学校
- The number of deaths caused by pneumonia for both sexes with unknown age is 1. 年不详的男性及女性因肺炎引致的死亡人数是1。
- There were even organizations such as the Junior Anti-Sex League, which advocated complete celibacy for both sexes. 他们甚至成立些组织,像反性青年团之类,专门倡导男人跟女人完全禁欲。
- The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for both sexes with unknown age is 1. 年不详的男性及女性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是1。
- The number of deaths caused by malignant neoplasms for both sexes with unknown age is 2. 年不详的男性及女性因恶性肿瘤引致的死亡人数是2。
- The number of deaths caused by septicaemia for both sexes with unknown age is 0. 年不详的男性及女性因败血病引致的死亡人数是0。
- It's more or less the same for both sexes, except the differenciation in sexes on writing. 它的大同小异男女,除了在两性分化写作。
- The sensitivity and accuracy of Cornell index were higher than Sokolow index for both sexes. 男、女性Cornell指数的灵敏度和准确率高于Sokolow指数。
- For both sexes, however, those in an unromantic mood were indifferent to the public visibility of their choices. 然而对于那些没有浪漫意识的人来说,无论男女,都认为其行为的公众吸引力是无关紧要的。
- A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。
- Some people prefer not to use the feminine form 'actress' and use the word 'actor' for both sexes. 有些人不喜欢使用 actress 这一阴性形式,而用 actor 一词代表两个性别。
- The number of deaths caused by cerebrovascular diseases for both sexes with unknown age is 1. 年不详的男性及女性因脑血管病引致的死亡人数是1。
- The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for both sexes aged 1 to 4 years is 0. 1至4岁男性及女性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是0。
- She was suspended from school for stealing. 她因有偷窃行为遭勒令停学处分。
- Tom was suspended from school for bad conduct. 汤姆因行为不端被休学。
- The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for both sexes is 373. 男性及女性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是373。
- The number of deaths caused by external causes of morbidity and mortality for both sexes with unknown age is 13. 年不详的男性及女性因疾病和死亡的外因引致的死亡人数是13。