- The contemporary school moral education has been diverting the standard moral education that keeps far away from the life to the life noumenon. 当代学校德育从远离生命的规范德育向生命本体回归。
- In a pluralistic society of values school moral education is facing the challenge of moral relativism. 在价值多元社会中,学校德育面临道德相对主义的挑战。
- The perplexity of the school moral education yearns for the innovation of the moral education patterns. 学校道德教育的困惑企盼教育模式的革新。
- The cultivation of innovation spirit and the reform of school moral education form a relational proposition. 创新精神培养与学校道德教育改革是一种关系性命题。
- The cultivation of innovation spirit and the reform of school moral education form an epochal proposition. 创新精神培养与学校道德教育改革是一种时代的命题。
- The internet influence on students' moral has become a core problem to school moral education. 网络对学生思想道德的影响已成为学校德育关注的问题。
- School moral education mainly focuses on polities and learning ability and hardly on loving, sexual and daily living ability education. 学校德育内容主要集中在政治和学习能力方面,但较少进行恋爱及性和日常生活能力的教育;
- With the reflection of these moral issues, many persons interrogate the responsibility of school moral education customarily. 当人们反思这些道德问题时,常常习惯性地把它与学校道德教育的责任对应起来。
- This thesis, under the guidance of communicative approach, examines and introspects the traditional school moral education, and introduces the concept of "moral communication". 本文正是试图将交往引入到道德教育中来,在交往理论的指导下,对传统道德教育进行了批判与反思,并提出了“道德交往”的概念。
- Since the restoration of college entrance examination in 1977 the examinatorial orientation in education has always puzzled basic education, especially school moral education. 自1977年恢复高考以来,教育中的应试倾向一直困扰着基础教育的方方面面,学校德育更是深受其扰。
- The essential viewpoint of the paper lies that the most serious problem in the actual effect of school moral education is that some practice carried out by the school goes against the aim of education. 本文的基本观点:目前,学校在促进学生道德成长方面存在着不少违背教育宗旨或本义之处,这是学校德育实效性问题的一个症结。
- Poor social credit circumstance, the declination of the school moral education, bad management of information running and the disorder of credit control system, lead to this phenomenon. 社会信用环境不良、学校道德教育不力、信息运行管理不善以及信用约束机制失?等共同造就了高校信用缺失的现状。
- Family moral education is the basis and school moral education is the guiding and both education plays important role in the formation and development of thought, polities, and personal psychology. 其中家庭德育是基础,学校德育是主导,都对当代大学生的思想、政治、品德及心理素质的形成与发展起着重要作用。
- Bandera's social learning theory is of important significance to the construction of the people's morality and school moral education at the present in our country. 班杜拉的社会学习理论对我国现阶段的公民道德建设和学校德育工作具有重要的启示意义。
- On School Moral Education in Real Life 生活视界的学校德育探讨
- The way and trend on school moral education 论学校德育研究的方法及其发展趋势
- institutionalized school moral education 制度化学校德育
- vocational school moral education 中职德育
- junior high school moral education 初中思想品德课
- reconstruction of school moral education 学校德育重建