- Huijia-CACB GAC International College provides a coeducational boarding school based secondary education for Year 9 to Year 12 students. 汇佳澳华GAC国际高中是一所提供初三至高三课程的寄宿制国际高中。
- In the project and practice based course Mechatronics Engineering, the NC workbench is adopted as the research object. 摘要在“机电控制工程”课程的项目研究实践教学模式中,采用“数控工作台”作为项目研究付象。
- Didier Cossin is the UBS Professor of Banking and Finance at IMD, the leading global business school based in Lausanne, Switzerland (www.imd.ch). 为什么这些错误普遍存在于大银行的管理层中?财务激励、缺乏真诚还是仅仅因为愚蠢?我们将在下一篇文章中探讨原因所在。
- Without question, the way of starting school based on loan alleviate lack in founds since university expand the scale of soliciting student. 然后对贷款办学的背景进行了回顾,并在此基础上从政府、高校和银行三个方面分析了高校贷款办学的原因。
- Construction Process and Quality Control for Base Course of Zhongshan Section of National Highway No. 国道中山段路面基层施工工艺与质量控制。
- Base; road base [highways]: The part of the road structure below the base course and above the sub-base. 路床[公路]:基层之下底基之上的道路结构部分。
- The results indicate that using cement stabilized aeolian sand and macadam, as base course for road is feasible. 试验结果表明,水泥稳定风积砂碎石做基层在公路上的应用是可行的。
- Coal gangue can be used as pavement base course materials of the roads in mining area. 在矿区道路建设中,煤矸石可以做路面基层材料使用。
- With this in mind, the training department have now incorporated a theory based course into the Clipper Training portfolio. 牢记这一点,培训部已经纳入了一个理论基础课纳入快船训练组合。
- Therefore, he laid a base course of crushed stone on top of a compact footing instead of the costly stone foundation. 因此他就在压紧的路基上铺碎石基层,而不使用造价很高的石块路基。
- We believe that the implementation of ASP in Hong Kong can help schools reform according to the rationales of school based management. 此外,我校更藉著资源的调配,在改善学习环境方面努力,除了全校加设电视机、录影机、银幕等设备外,部份课室增设高映机、电脑及冷气机。
- Vibrating roller compacts the earth until it can bear the weight of the base course and wearing surface that will rest on it. 震动压路机将泥土压实,使其能承受上面的基层和磨损面的重量。
- The preparation and complete mechanized construction technology of semi-rigid subbase and base course with cement stabilized macadam are introduced. 针对水泥稳定碎石混合料类半刚性底基层、基层,介绍了施工的前期准备工作,以及较为完整的机械化施工工艺等,指出了施工中应该注意的问题。
- The cement stabilized aggregate and the lime fly ash stabilized aggregate are two typical semi-rigid base course materials. 水泥稳定粒料和二灰(石灰、粉煤灰)稳定粒料是两种典型的和常用的半刚性基层材料。
- School basis of this academic art training had greatly improved my ability of technique, forms and basic shapes and it could be very helpful for my creation. 学校这种学院式的基础训练,对我的技法、形式和基本造型能力都有很大的提高,在创作方面肯定会带来很大帮助。
- The design of navigation system is the most important process in developing web base course , and the navigation system is the critical estimated part in webbased course too. 摘要导航系统是网络课程设计的重要环节,是评价网络课程的重要指标。
- Reusing test study on phosphogypsum-lime solidified soil in road base course is carried out to solve engineering diseases caused by the overuse of phosphogypsum in highway. 摘要针对道路建设中过量使用磷石膏并引发工程病害的问题,进行了既有富含磷石膏二灰土底基层的改良再生研究。
- With prelong of its serveing and further srudying on it, the connatural limitation of semi-rigid base course such as reflection cracks are recognized and its very hard to root up. 但随着使用年限的延伸,其固有缺陷如反射裂缝的产生等问题愈发突出。
- Were admission to such schools based on a prediction of the social value of the education offered, fewer women would be admitted. 当对教育付出换来的社会价值进行预测,以作为这一类学校的准入标准的时候,所录取的女性将会减少。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。