- Deepen the "One Domination with Pluralization" School Running System and Promote it's Quality--The Innovation Research on School Running System of Vocational Education 深化"一主多元"的办学格局全面提升办学质量--职业教育办学体制创新研究
- school running system 办学体制
- Fengtai District School Run Enterprise Co. 丰台区校办企业公司。
- Run system can increase cost saving by lowering the failure cost. 一个正常运行的系统能减少系统维修的费用。
- Belonging to ICSE and CBSE system, and the Catholic Church or Jesus convent school run by the clubs, are particularly great demand. 仅次于加尔各答的工商业大城市,全国最大的棉纺织中心,纱锭和织机均约占全国的三分之一。
- Columba's was a strict disciplinarian school run by Irish brothers. 是一所有着严格纪律要求的学校,由一对爱尔兰兄弟经营。
- Tracing helps you isolate issues and fix the issues without disrupting a running system. 跟踪技术可帮助您隔离和修复问题,而不中断正在运行的系统。
- The running system also contains an EFI partition where the necessary files for booting the system reside. 运行的系统同时也包含了一个EFI分区用于放置引导系统所需要的必要文件。
- With the changes of social environment, the school running patterns need to bedeveloped and consummated continuously. 随着社会环境的变化,办学模式也需要不断发展和完善。
- If something goes terribly wrong, they can always go back to the running system from yesterday. 如果系统某一部分发生严重故障,它们可以总是从昨天返回正在运行的系统。
- Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital has successfully groped for a modern world-class hospital running system. 在领导体制上实行董事会和院务会领导下的院长负责制;
- Moorehead)who shows her no warmth.Her escape from this dreadful existence i a bleak charity school run by taskmaster. 简爱父母早亡寄居在舅舅家,舅舅病逝后,舅母把她送进孤儿院。
- However, it is unreasonable to get practice in the real running system, especially for the accident disposing. 然而,电力系统不允许在现实的运行系统中培训,特别是针对系统故障处理。
- Oval tracks vary from town to town, but are usually a quarter mile (like a high school running track) to a half-mile long. 椭圆形车道各个城镇都不相同,但通常是1/4英里(像中学的跑道一样)到1/2英里长。
- Cady's own claws soon come out as she leaps into a hilarious "Girl World" war that has the whole school running for cover. 被披上抢人男友的坏名声后,凯蒂的日子不好过了。她遭到了圈子里的人的惩罚,被她们侮辱,还被赶出了午餐桌,骂她是“贱女孩”。
- However, you can run System Restore again and choose a different restore point if one exists. 但是,您可以重新运行系统还原,并选择其他存在的还原点。
- But for some it might be the perfect car, with looks to scare other mums on the school run. 在某种意义上说,它是一部完美的车子,会让其他那些接送孩子上学放学的母亲们感到惊艳。
- This is what allows you to run system scans to make sure that nothing on your computer is possibly harmful. 这是什么让你运行系统扫描,以确保任何对你的电脑可能是有害的。
- System running stablization: high-quality specialization Europe motorisation and control system makes sure of stablization of running system. 系统运行稳定:由于采用高质量专业欧洲或同样质量动力及控制系统从而保证门的动力及控制系统稳定。
- We had run system of this layette Wu near 5, time of 6 years, have large quantities of mature users. 这套服务体系我们已经运行了将近5、6年的时间,有大批成熟的用户。