- The company is proud to be in the vanguard of scientific progress. 这家公司以处于科学发展的领先地位而自豪。
- We must work passionately and indefatigably to bridge the gulf between our scientific progress and our moral progress. 我们必须热情而不知疲倦地努力缩减科学发展与道德发展之间的鸿沟。
- Most scientific progress is the result of careful consideration of work that has already been done. 科学上的进步多半是对自已做的工作加以深思熟虑的结果。
- You may be surprised to witness firsthand how scientific progress is made in inches and not miles. 你将会亲身目睹科学的发展并非大跃进,而是要靠日积月累的辛劳,才能得以寸进。
- Scientific progress does not always go “Boink“.Instead, it frequently goes “muttermuttermutter@!$%&*mutter”. 在同步辐射中注入的电子是成团的,并在运行过程中始终保持这一形态。
- Attracts and condenses the youth to play the main body role in the impetus scientific progress. 吸引和凝聚青年在推动科学发展中发挥主体作用。
- Sixth, further mobilizes the broad masses to join in the scientific progress the great practice. 第六,进一步动员广大人民群众投身科学发展的伟大实践。
- The pace of scientific progress and the interrelations between global problems require teamwork and networking. 科学发展的进程和错综复杂的全球性的问题需要科学界的团队合作和广泛联系。
- It similarly recognises everyone's right "to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications". 它同样也承认人人有权“享受科学进步及其应用所产生的利益”。
- The development that scientific progress view is pair of Marxisms accedes theoretically and significant progress. 科学发展观是对马克思主义的发展理论的继承和重要发展。
- You believe in scientific progress and yet you think the government shouldn't support scientific studies. You can't have it both ways. 你相信科学进步的作用,但是你又觉得政府不该支持科学研究。你可不能忽左忽右啊。
- The Twentieth Century was truly amazing. It brought far more scientific progress than could possibly have been anticipated. 世纪的确是惊人的。它带来的科学方法远远超过了人们的预期。
- Up to now CESI has been awarded more than 300 items of the Prize for Scientific Progress at the national, provincial and ministerial levels. CESI遵循“科学、公正、诚信、服务”的准则,围绕着标准化的核心业务,按照国际通行规则为政府主管部门提供技术支撑。
- GAIA and SIM are largely complementary missions and can greatly enhance each other capabilities and the scientific progress in the field of astrometry. GAIA和SIM在很大程度上是互相补充的飞 行,使得两者的天文观测能力互相得到加强。
- Its arise to have social background already, have academic source again, have edificatory effect to scientific progress view. 其 产生既有社会背景,又有理论渊源,对科学发展观具有启迪作用。
- The cadre of leaders of all levels of our party is the executant that establish and implements scientific progress concept and responsibility person. 我们党的各级领导干部是树立和落实科学发展观的执行者和责任人。
- And history is replete with examples that challenging what were widely taught in schools at that time paved the way for scientific progress. 前面说“学生”,后面举的例子却是哥白尼,因此连贯不是很一致。其实,我们改一句就可以:
- Have the correct absolutely sex that holds productivity level and relativity only, ability holds to scientific progress to watch. 只有正确的把握生产力标准的绝对性与相对性,才能坚持科学的发展观。
- The empirical newness of scientific theories is one of the rational indexes of scientific progress and blazing new trails. 科学理论的经验新奇性是科学创新的合理指标之一。
- Harvard-Unitarian culture found spiritual and intellectual confirmation in empirical proof, scientific progress, and material success. 哈佛一神论文化在经验的根据、科学的进步和物质的发展中找到了精神上和学术上的认同。