- As the issue presented by Hume, scientific rationality is a puzzle for philosophers in modern philosophy of science. 摘要在当代科学哲学中,科学合理性问题如同休谟归纳问题一样,是一个让哲学家寝食难安的问题。
- The 20th century is one full of unprecedentedly splendid achievements in science and technology and full development of scientific rationality. 20世纪是科学技术空前辉煌和科学理性充分发展的世纪
- Modern industry civilization always attempts to replace the belief with scientific rationality which never touches and pacifies our soul. 我们的世界分为无限的和有限的两个部分,无限的世界是我们未知的世界,而有限的世界是我们已知的世界。
- Scientific rationality is able to help us in the definite world, but for the indefinite universe, it might bring us away from the right judgement. 科学理性仅仅在‘已知’的这给有限的范围类才有它的用武之地。对无限的宇宙来说,科学的表达或判定往往离真实更远。
- For the establishment of moral belief, Marxism offers the doubling guarantees: scientific rationality and value rationality. 马克思主义为道德信仰的确立提供了科学合理性和价值合理性的双重保证。
- Deism serves as a media bridging the transition from religious absolutism to scientific rationality and as a conceptual preparation for Spinoza's pantheism and the French atheism in the 18th Century. 它构成了从宗教专制向科学理性过渡的重要中介,并且成为斯宾诺莎的泛神论和18世纪法国无神论的思想前提。
- This mathematical model could let the qualitative evaluation of the material selection be quantified, fineness and clear-cut, thus raised the operability and scientific rationality of the evaluation work. 该数学模型使材料选择的定性评价定量化、精细化、明朗化,提高了评价工作的可操作性和科学合理性。
- To encourage the learning and application of science among the general public, we need to embrace a scientific culture by promoting scientific rationality while cherishing Chinese cultural heritage. 为了鼓励大众中科学的学习和应用,我们需要同时合理提高科学文化,并珍爱中国文化遗产,从而拥抱科技文化。
- The dispute between the scientific rationality and humanism orientation in library science bring out the question that is the scientism or humanism the fundamental rules of library science research? 摘要图书馆学中的科学理性与人文取向的论争,提出了图书馆学研究究竟是坚持科学主义还是人文主义等问题。
- The basic meaning of scientific rationalism in philosophy was expressed in many other fields of thought. 思想界其它许多领域都表达过心理学中科学理性主义的基本含义。
- The other is that Pentecostalism offers a “third way” between scientific rationalism and traditional religion. 另一点则是,五旬节信仰在科学理性主义和传统宗教之间提出了“第三条道路”。
- For a long time, Urban Planning lays particular stress on logos and the scientific rational controls of cities and goes in for materials interests as much as possible. 长期以来,城市规划注重追求工具理性,强调对城市的科学理性控制,力求城市物质效益最大化。
- Environmental Ethics: Scientific Rationality Vs Value Rationality 环境伦理:科学理性挑战价值理性
- He predicated rationality of man. 他断言人是有理性的。
- A true scientific law admits of no exception. 真正的科学定律不允许有例外。
- They planned to organize a scientific expedition. 他们计划组织一次科学考察。
- We'll have to ration out the water. 我们得将水按定额配给。
- We all support his scientific research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。
- They had to ration petrol during the war. 战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。
- His biography is a saga of scientific research. 他的传记就是一部科研记实。