- The teacher lectured him for being lazy. 教师因他偷懒而训斥他。
- Before you scold me for being lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. 当你责骂我懒惰之前,请先想想是不是有什么问题正困扰著我。
- The teacher lectured the boys for being lazy . 教师责骂那些男孩子懒惰。
- His mother picked at him for being lazy. 他母亲指责他懒惰。
- John's boss bawled him out for being lazy. 约翰因偷懒被老板骂了一顿。
- Peter's boss bawled him out for being lazy. 彼得因偷懒被老板臭骂了一顿。
- The teacher lectured the boys for being lazy. 教师责骂那些男孩子懒惰。
- He reproached her for being lazy. 他责备她懒惰。
- The teacher rebuked his pupils for being lazy. 教师责骂学生懒惰。
- The coach admonished the girls for being lazy. 教练告诫姑娘们不要偷懒。
- The teacher admonished the boys for being lazy. 老师责备男学生懒惰。
- Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. 当你因为责骂我的不合作,固执或懒惰之前,请你想想,是否有什么正困扰着我。
- Students are often scolded for being lazy. 学生经常因懒惰而受斥责。
- He was called down by his father for being lazy. 他因懒惰而受到父亲的严厉斥责。
- The servant was dismissed for being lazy. 这个佣人因懒惰而被开除。
- The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest. 这个仆人因懒惰和不诚实而被解雇。
- The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest . 这个仆人因懒惰和不诚实而被解雇。
- In other words, you inadvertently rewarded them for being lazy and quitting. 换句话说;你不经意的回报;他们是懒惰和戒烟.
- He was scolded for being lazy. 他因懒惰而受叱责。
- The French also like jokes about the Corsicans, Corsica is a French island where people have a reputation for being lazy, vengeful and clannish. 科西嘉是法国的一个岛,那里的人们被认为懒惰,记仇以及排外,因此法国人喜欢开科西嘉人的玩笑。