- Rule 68 In the course of the examination of the request for invalidation, the patentee for the patent for invention or utility model concerned may amend its or his claims, but may not broaden the scope of patent protection. 第六十八条 在无效宣告请求的审查过程中,发明或者实用新型专利的专利权人可以修改其权利要求书,但是不得扩大原专利的保护范围。
- Rule 68 In the course of the examination of the request for invalidation,the patentee for the patent for invention or utility model concerned may amend its or his claims,but may not broaden the scope of patent protection. 第六十八条 在无效宣告请求的审查过程中,发明或者实用新型专利的专利权人可以修改其权利要求书,但是不得扩大原专利的保护范围。
- Plus a number of patent protected varieties. 加上一些专利保护品种。
- These measures mark the reaching of a new level of patent protection in China. 这使中国对专利权的保护达到了一个新的水平。
- The duration of patent protection is for 20 years (reckoned from the day of application), with a required annual payment for the maintenance fee. 专利保护的期限规定为20年(自发明专利申请之日开始计算),专利权人还要按年缴纳管理费用。
- The exclusive rights of patent protect inventors and it assignees, then reveal the prelude of Knowledge-based economy. 专利的排他权保护发明人与其权利人,由此揭开了知识经济的序幕。
- Mailuoning Injection of patent protection until 2012, at present the country are confidential variety of species, varieties of the market without competition. 脉络宁注射液的专利保护到2012年,目前该品种是国家保密品种,市场上没有竞争品种。
- The right of patents protects the inventor's inventions. 专利权保护发明者的发明创造。
- Your question is beyond the scope of this book. 你所问的问题已超出了这本书的范围。
- This subject is outside the scope of our inquiry. 这个问题不在我们探讨的范围之内。
- Range or scope of influence or effect. 影响力产生影响或效果的范围或领域
- Do feminist write come within the scope of your book? 你这本书是否涉及到女权主义内容?
- It stressed that since the project did not aim at enlarging the scope of patentable subject matter, it was unlikely to disadvantage developing countries. 该代表团强调,由于该项目的目的并不是扩大可授予专利的主题的范围,因此不会不利于发展中国家。
- This modification expanded the scope of patentees' right, namely the new content of "the right to prohibit import" and "the effect of patented processes is extended to products directly obtained by patented processes". 这一修改扩大了专利权人的权利范围,即增加了“禁止进口权”和“专利方法的效力及于依照该专利方法直接获得的产品”的新内容。
- Improvement of Patent Protection System of the New Patent Law 新专利法对专利保护制度的完善
- Tax official: what is the scope of its business? 税务局:它的经营范围是什么?
- Comparative Study of Patent Protection and Trade Secret Protection 专利保护与商业秘密保护之比较
- Lack of time limited the scope of the course. 缺少时间限制了这项事业的范围。
- Duragesic lost U.S. patent protection in 2005. 多瑞吉在2005年丢掉了美国专利保护。
- What is the scope of these two basic covers? 这两种基本险的保险范围是什么?