- Mary always likes to score off people when she can. 只要有机会,玛丽总爱出别人的洋相。
- She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。
- Score the paper to make it easy to fold. 在纸上先划好印子,以便折叠。
- The last goal evened up the score. 最后一球把比分拉平了。
- The score was tied several times. 比分屡次出现平局。
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。
- You need have no worries on that score. 你不必担心那件事。
- I had to use force in opening the door. 我不得不用力开那一扇门。
- Frank beat andrew with close score. 弗兰克以接近的比分击败安德鲁。
- This little gadget's great for opening tins. 这小玩意儿开罐头挺好用。
- That is where you score over others. 那是你优于别人的地方。
- That pig will weight4 score, dead weight. 那只猪重80磅,宰掉后的净重。
- She's go to play the opening bar of the sonata. 她准备演奏这支奏鸣曲的开始数小节。
- The new man doesn't know the score yet. 新来的那个人对实际情况尚不熟悉。
- Two smaller screens will be opening in May. 五月份将有两家小型电影院开业。
- Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?
- Open the shutter and see what the weather is like. 打开百叶窗,看看外面的天气如何。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。