- Brush or roller for small areas and touch-up only. 小面积可采用刷涂或辊涂。
- Brush or roller for small areas. 小面积施工使用刷涂或辊涂。
- Brush or roller for small areas and touchup only. 小面积施工或修补可采用刷涂或辊涂。
- scroll | roller for scroll 卷轴|手卷
- roller for scroll 卷轴,手卷
- Brayer Small hand roller for applying ink to type when proofing. 压印铅字稿样时,用手推加墨的小墨辘。
- Brayer: Small hand roller for applying ink to type when proofing. 手墨辘:压印铅字稿样时,用手推加墨的小墨辘。
- Each unit has a pair of cams, with an anti - friction roller for each cam. 每两对凸轮之间有一定的间隔,每一组凸轮中包括一对凸轮,每个凸轮对应一个减摩转子。
- Back up roller: Roller which backs up the impression roller for additional pressure in gravure printing. 加压辘:在照相凹版印刷机上,给予压力圆筒额外压力的辊辘。
- Use cylinders as rollers for moving material or other equipment. 把钢瓶作为转子来移动材料或其它设备。
- Reduced the weight for scroll of cancel sleep that had relatively higher drop rates. 解除睡眠滚动条将依照高掉落比例来降低他的重量。
- It is fit for enveloping cutting method of numerically controlled cutting of groove of the roller for rolling balls. 这种方法适用于数控切削斜轧球轧辊孔型的包络切削方式。
- Brush or roller for small areas and touch-up only. Avoid re-brushing and re-rolling. 刷涂或辊涂只用于小面积施工或修补,且避免重涂。
- Moire roller with blade for adding glue,with many different moir roller for adding glue for election. 网纹辊带刮刀之上胶方式,备有多种不同上胶量的网纹辊供选择。
- It was the first attempt to make large composite cemented carbide roller for strech reducing mill by HIP. 首次尝试了用热等静压法(HIP)制造大型钢管张力减径机复合硬质合金轧辊,并获得了近实物尺寸的复合轧辊。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。