- Many sea creatures were washed up on the seashore. 许多海里的生物被冲到海滩上.
- Scientists can stay in a sea laboratory for weeks and watch the sea creatures at close quarters. 科学家可在海洋实验室里呆上几个星期,很近地观察海洋生物。
- In sunny weather you can see many of these large sea creatures reposing on the sand. 在晴天你可以看到许多这样巨大的海生动物躺在沙滩上睡觉。
- Some 20,278 species of sea creatures have been verified there. 中国海域海洋生物物种已鉴定的达20278种。
- Kids love to touch sea creatures in the petting station. 小孩子们喜爱去摸触摸台里的海洋生物。
- He trawled for sea creatures using an improvised net. 他用临时制作的网去捕捞海生物。
- You have made men like fish in the sea, like sea creatures that have no ruler. 你为何使人如海中的鱼,又如没有管辖的爬物呢?
- The clam, like all sea creatures, gets its sodium and calcium from seawater. 如同所有的海洋水族一样,蛤从海水里摄取钙质。
- And in each of those ocean biomes, thousands of sea creatures exist. 在每一个海洋生物群系,生存着成千上万的海洋生物。
- Swimming among these graceful sea creatures is a truly otherworldly experience. 与这些优雅的海底生物共游绝对是超凡的美妙体验。
- Visiting an aquarium is a good way for children to learn about sea creatures. 带孩子们去参观水族馆为他们提供了一个了解海洋生物的很好的途径。
- A strange and mysterious deep sea creature. 一种奇异、神秘的深海生物。
- When the tide had ebbed away the shells of many sea creatures were left on the sand. 退潮后沙沟上留下了许多海洋生物的贝壳。
- In sunny weather you can see many of these large sea creatures resting o n the sand. 在阳光明媚的天气,你能看到许多这样巨大的海洋动物躺在沙滩上睡觉。
- Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the seabed. 难于计算海洋微生物生活和畅游在海底。
- When the tide had ebbed away,they found the shells of many sea creatures were left on the sand. 退潮后,他们发现沙滩上有许多海洋生物的贝壳。
- A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old Testament. 海中怪兽《旧约》中提到的海中怪物
- In sunny weather,you can see many of these large sea creatures resting o n the sand. 在阳光明媚的天气,你能看到许多这样巨大的海洋动物躺在沙滩上睡觉。
- When the tide had ebbed away, they found the shells of many sea creatures were left on the sand. 退潮后,他们发现沙滩上有许多海洋生物的贝壳。
- A legendary sea creature having the head and upper body of a man and the tail of a fish. 男性人鱼一种传说中的海洋生物,长有男人的头部及上身,却生有一条鱼尾巴