- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花园里的泥土松软肥沃。
- His feet left prints in the soft soil. 松软的泥土上留下了他的脚印。
- sea-facies sediment soft soil 海积软土
- sea facie soft soil 海相软土
- The earth in the garden is good,soft soil. 花园里的泥土松软肥沃。
- In the south area, there are mainly flysch and deep sea facies fossil, such as Graptolites in fossil feature. 南区岩性为复理石建造,生物以深海相笔石为主。
- Lower Carboniferous is composed of sea facies fragments and mid-acidic component igneous rock. 下石炭统为海相碎屑岩及中酸性岩组合 ;
- Power sea, chinese easternmost opens a city, lie between sea facies to look with Korea. 威海,中国最东部的开放城市,与韩国隔海相望。
- East with sweet continent area one river is conterminous, lie between sea facies to look with Hong Kong, Macao. 东与香洲区一河相接,与香港、澳门隔海相望。
- Geologic investigations of Mesozoic sea facies and volcanic processes had been carried on early in 1959. 关于海相中生代地层和火山作用的地质调查早在1959年就曾在该地进行过。
- If it's the relatively soft soil, the progress will be multiplied. 如果遇到土质较为松软,施工进度将会成倍增加。
- Sequence IV is Pliocene sea-onshore transition grayer, grayish gritstone, siltstone and mudstone and becomes thicker sea facies toward trough. 层序IV,为上新统海陆过渡相的灰白、浅灰色砂砾岩、粉砂岩、泥岩,往冲绳海槽方向增厚,变为海相。
- Soft soil, massive development and overuse of underground water reservoirs have raised the threat of the city being swallowed by the East China Sea. 松软的土壤、大面积开发以及过度使用地下水加剧了上海被东海淹没的威胁。
- Zhuhai is close to Nanhai, border on Macao, sea facies is lain between to look with Hong Kong east, northing Guangzhou 140km. 珠海濒临南海,接壤澳门,东与香港隔海相望,北距广州140km。
- Technique of the treatment for soft soil ground under expressway II. 高速公路软土地基处理技术2。
- In the north area, there are mainly carbonate rocks and shallow sea facies fossil, such as Trilobites, cephalopodes, Brachiopodes and Anthozoans in fossil feature. 北区岩性为碳酸盐岩建造,生物以三叶虫、头足类、腕足类及珊瑚等浅海生物为主;
- "It prefers to live in a cool retreat, soft soil, and below stones," he added. “它喜欢生活在阴凉的地方,软土,石头下面。”他补充道。
- In their snoring still, in the boundless gauze, in the soft soil hotbed. 就在他们的鼾声依旧中,在茫茫的薄纱里,在柔软的泥土温床。
- HST is mainly comprised of shallow lake facies sediments system, with aggradational and progradational parasequence set stacking pattern. 水进体系域沉积物主要为半深湖相凝灰质泥岩和白云质泥岩,具退积式叠加样式;
- Near shore turbidite fan and typical turbidite rock are deposited on well developed deep lake facies sediments in this area. 本区深湖相沉积十分发育,并在此背景上沉积了近岸浊积扇和典型的浊积岩。