- Move by Arrow Keys, Shoot by Space Bar. 请使用上下左右箭号控制.;空白键为发射
- The motion was sealed by the parliament. 该项协议获得了国会的批准。
- So I like rings,scarfs and sunglasses. 所以我喜欢戒指、围巾和太阳镜。
- The Taoist cured his wound by arrow with the juice of the tree leaves, and turned his crane into a horse and presented the animal to the general. 道人以药汁治其箭伤,以鹤子化马赠与瑜。
- Wind direction is represented by arrows. 风向是用箭头表示的。
- They are like rings that have no end. 他的话就象个没有缺口的环。
- Each sign, one by one into the tomb will roll, When the seal by my queen is released from thrall. 每一个征兆,依次地晃动墓穴,当女王的封印从束缚中解开。
- So I like rings, scarfs and sunglasses. 因此我喜欢耳环围巾和太阳镜。
- His lips were sealed by a promise. 他的嘴被他的诺言封住了。
- Her lips were sealed by a promise. 她的嘴被诺言封住了。
- His fate was sealed by her testimony. 她的证言决定了他的命运。
- Trish:Yes.His power were sealed by Sparda. 崔西:是的,他的力量虽然被斯巴达封印了。
- Scarabs were also used as seals by officials. 圣甲虫也被当作官员的封印使用。
- Wu Hongbin buckled the purpose such as company official seal by force to violate the act of company glom on to already badly state law. 骏网董事会在此次罢免事件上的所作所为公正透明,没有任何“幕后主使”。
- Each box is an activity, flow is indicated by arrows. 每个框表示一个活动,箭头表示工作流。
- Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM).A network diagramming technique in which activities are represented by arrows. 箭头图示法----箭头图示法是以箭头表示活动项目的一种网路圆技术。
- Circle formed by arrows with variable colors and number of arrows. Subselect an arrow to add text. 由多个箭头组成的环,箭头的颜色和数目可变。再选择一个箭头可添加文本。
- Shaped like a vast piece of driftwood, washed-up on the shore, the rusted metal shell undulates in sections, like rings of wood that have been smoothed by the sea. 它的形状看起来像是一堆伐木被水冲击堆积在岸边,看起来腐锈的金属外壳的截面成波浪形排列像是经过海水长年累月平滑的一块块木条。
- The treaty was signed and sealed by both governments . 条约经两国政府签字盖印。
- Every simple man can be used in warfare. This warriors have javelins and short swords. If not pierced by arrow these Lithuanian soldiers are very good ambushers. 素质:民兵类型:地方兵种参战不论贫富,即便平民亦可奋勇杀敌。这些立陶宛标枪兵装备标枪和短剑,易受弓箭杀伤,且无法近战厮杀,但却是伏击作战的大师。