- Police sealed off all the exits from the building. 警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。
- The tube was sealed off by fusing the material together. 管子以熔合管端的方法封闭起来了。
- A decorative object, such as a chandelier, that gives off light. 枝形吊灯装饰性的能发光的东西,如枝形吊灯
- Police sealed off all roads leading to the town. 警察封锁了通向该城镇的所有道路。
- An unused wing of the hospital was sealed off. 一个未启用的医院侧厅被封锁了
- The traffic has been sealed off. 交通封锁。
- These planets do not give off light of their own. 这些行星本身不发光。
- The police sealed off the area from demonstrators. 警方封锁该区,禁止示威者出入。
- It did not seem to occur to the police to seal off the entrance or order nobody to leave. 警察似乎没有想到应封锁各入口处或命令任何人不得离开。
- That island was literally sealed off from the outside world. 那个岛与外界简直是隔绝的。
- Some of the things you see give off light of their own. 你看见的一些东西是因为它们本身发光。
- Whatever gives off light is termed the source of light. 凡是能放射光的东西称为光源。
- The district has been sealed off for about three months . 该地区已封闭约达3个月之久。
- The district has been sealed off for about three months. 该地区已封闭约达3个月之久。
- The filament gives off light when heated by an electric current. 当灯丝藉助于电流而加热时,就会发出亮光。
- The tubewas sealed off by fusing the material together. 管子以熔合管端的方法封闭起来了。
- When electrons are disturbed this way, they can give off light. 当电子以这种方式碰撞时,它们能够发出光。
- When the fortress went on red alert, they sealed off the sewers. 当要塞进入红色警戒状态,他们就会封锁下水道。
- When all air has been removed, the vessel is sealed off. 把全部空气抽走后,将容器密封起来。
- Liquid Crystal Light Valve Using Monocrystalline Bi_(12)SiO_(20) as the Photoconductive Material.... 用单晶Bi_(12)SiO_(20)作光导材料的液晶光阀