- It is the seamless blending of fantasy and reality in this outrageously offbeat comedy that deserves rapturous applause. 荣获提名奥斯卡与金球奖最佳剧本。
- Moreover, BoA's more profound and enriched vocals create a perfect, seamless blend with the strong beat and rhythm of the song, while the consonance of jazz-like sounds spellbinds listeners with its originality. 此外,宝儿完美的声线与此歌曲强烈的拍子与节奏可以说是完美的结合,原始味道的爵士式调和音更是迷惑住听众的耳朵。
- She scrupulously paints the patterns onto her models by hand until they seamlessly blend into their background. 她小心翼翼地在她的模型上绘上图案,直到它们与背景融为一体。
- Seamlessly blending such ideas in filmmaking, this film is able to offer a unique look and a new expressive technique thinning the barriers between live action and animation. 一部绝不容错过的新片种,集动作、艺术与科技于一身的超时空网络新电玩!
- The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture. 窗帘(的颜色)跟家具(的颜色)十分和谐。
- The houses seem to blend into the surroundings. 这些房子似乎与周围的环境融为一体了。
- DJs use cross fader to achieve a seamless transfer of sounds. 音乐节目主持人用平滑转换机来达成天衣无缝的声音转换效果。
- These cigarettes are a blend of the best tobaccos. 这些香烟是用最好的烟草混合制成的。
- Melt the butter and then blend in the flour. 先把黄油融化,然後加入面粉。
- Their voices blend (together) well. 他们的声音很和谐。
- Blend the eggs and milk (together). 把蛋和奶搀到一起。
- Those cottages blend perfectly with the landscape. 那些农舍与周围的风景完全融为一体了。
- seamless blending 无缝融合
- But the transition is seldom seamless. 但是这种转变总是很难持续。
- All elements fuse into a seamless organic whole. 所有的元素将会融合成为一个连续的有机整体。
- Which blend of coffee would you like? 你要哪一种混合咖啡?
- You may not divide the seamless coat of learning. 学问的综合性是毋庸置疑的。
- This is a40.000 km2 seamless world. 大约相当于40000平方公里,而且是无缝连接的地图。
- The sea and the sky seemed to blend into each another. 大海和蓝天似乎连成了一片。
- Support for true seamless windows. 支持真正的无缝窗口。