- The search team made a search for the missing children. 搜索队搜索失踪的小孩。
- The Search Team Manager will then pass this information on to the TFL and Rescue Team Manager for subsequent action. 搜救队长须即时将信息传送给TFL及救援队长然后由他们采取后续行动。
- In an awed whispering voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper. 孩子恐惧的小声说,“搜寻小组的直升机刚刚降落了。”
- When the search team arrived back at the county sheriff's office in Ponca they were met by a police forensic expert. 搜索队回到县警长在庞喀的办公室,见到一位警方法律专家。
- Officials at Air Serv said late www.daff.gov.au Tue dog clothes a search team had not been able to reach the site of the crash due to heavy fog. 所有这些功能的实现都很简便,因为在线咨询系统采用先进的嵌入式代码设计,只需在企业的网站页面上插入一段代码即可。
- Officials at Air Serv said late www.daff.gov.au Tue bathroom cabinet a search team had not been able to reach the site of the crash due to heavy fog. 若要将停留在知识形态的理论转化为实际工作能力,还必须进行临床实践技能的培训。
- Officials at Air Serv said late www.daff.gov.au Tue shower panel a search team had not been able to reach the site of the crash due to heavy fog. 刚过而立之年的贺彬看起来有些其貌不扬:憨厚的面孔,敦实的身影,沉着稳重的性格,对同事和朋友总是笑脸相待,为人处事从不张扬个性。
- Officials at Air Serv said late www.daff.gov.au Tue Gasoline Chain Saw a search team had not been able to reach the site of the crash due to heavy fog. 这里,毕业后教育应注重训练中医特有的发散性思维,加强经典学习,防止过早分科,不可束缚和局限学生的思维和知识面。
- Officials at Air Serv said late www.daff.gov.au Tue China wood report a search team had not been able to reach the site of the crash due to heavy fog. 中央企业应当加强安全队伍建设,提高人员素质,鼓励和支持安全生产监督管理人员取得注册建造师资质。从寻找匹配的固件,到拷贝数据,仅仅这一过程就需要几天甚至更长的时间,同时至少有一个建造师全力跟进。
- Officials at Air Serv said late www.daff.gov.au Tuesday that a search team had not been able to reach the site of the crash due to heavy fog. 这一次的经验让我深切地理解到,项目管理的推动不是一句话便可以成功,要经过一个过程;管理理论的学习只是一个基础。
- When the search team arrived back at the county sheriff's office in Ponca, they were met by a police forensic expert. "He's ready to confess," the man said. 搜索队回到县警长在庞喀的办公室,见到一位警方法律专家。“他愿意招供了,”这位法律专家告诉他们说。
- When the search team arrived back at the county sheriff's office in Ponca they were met by a police forensic expert. “He's ready to confess” the man said. 搜索队回到县警长在庞喀的办公室,见到一位警方法律专家。“他愿意招供了,”这位法律专家告诉他们说。
- KuKu's father, who hesitated about joining the search team, kept walking back and forth, rubbing his hands, and pushing his slipped glasses back to where it should stay. 库库的爸爸在客厅来回踱步、摩擦双掌、大眼镜不停滑下鼻梁,他非常犹豫到底要不要加入搜索队!
- The Search Team Manager will then pass this information on to the TFL and Rescue Team Manager for subsequent action.The search team then continues with its assignment. 标示信息应尽快报送搜救行动指挥部,营救小队马上展开营救行动。
- Military and civilian search teams continued to scour the coast off the northern island of Sulawesi. 军方和民间的搜寻人员则继续在北部的苏拉维西岛海域进行搜寻。
- Through discussion, some proposals for the form,tasks, equipments,disposition and so forth of search teams are offered. 通过讨论,文章就搜索分队的组成、任务、装备和部署等提出了建议。
- Search teams reached the remote spot by helicopter and rappelled down with ropes to reach the rugged crash site, Gen. 调查小组乘坐直升机抵达了偏远的出事地点,并通过绳索到达了破碎残骸的地点。
- Despite the best efforts of a search team that on Sunday comprised five Brazilian ships, a French frigate and submarine, 12 Brazilian planes and two French ones, the answer could remain there. 尽管周日开始,由五艘巴西军舰,一艘法国快速军舰和潜水艇,12架巴西飞机和2架法国飞机组成的搜寻小组全力已赴,还是没能找到黑盒子。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team. 她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。