- It applies to rapid test for drugs of abuse. 适用于对药物滥用的检测。
- searching for drugs of abuse 滥用药物问题检查
- But the agents weren't searching for drugs or knockoff Rolexes. 此次检查只是全国各地开展打击投机倒把者的一个缩影。
- OTC test sample collection systems for drugs of abuse testing 用于药物滥用检测的OTC检测样品收集系统
- The influence of many drugs of abuse licit and illicit on immune function has been examined extensively in recent years. 在免疫的功能上合法和违法的滥用的很多药的影响在近年已经被广泛地检查。
- A good detector must be capable of focusing on the task of searching for drugs, despite the circus of distractions in any airport or dockside. 无论机场或码头的喧嚣如何分心,一条出色的侦缉犬必须能专注搜寻毒品的任务。
- When drugs of abuse increase dopamine release from the VTA into the nucleus accumbens, they also alter the responsiveness of the VTA and nucleus accumbens to glutamate for days. 当滥用药物促使VTA释出较多的多巴胺到依核时,也会改变VTA与依核对麸胺酸的反应达数天之久。
- He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud. 他详查档案,寻找欺诈行为的证据。
- The answer is that all drugs of abuse, in addition to any other effects, cause the nucleus accumbens to receive a flood of dopamine and sometimes also dopamine-mimicking signals. 答案是,除了其他作用之外,所有的滥用药物都会让依核接受到大量的多巴胺,有时还有假的多巴胺信号。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他见到我就连声辱骂。
- The increasing use of alcohol, along with other drugs of abuse, is a serious public health problem across all age ranges, but especially so in the young. 在体内持续增多的酒精同被滥用的其他药品一起会对各种年龄层的人造成严重的社会健康问题,特别是年轻人。
- Biochip tests are grouped together as arrays and allow the detection of cytokines and growth factors, fertility and thyroid hormones, cell adhesion molecules, and drugs of abuse. 生物芯片检测经过归类可列成序列,并可同时对细胞因子和生长因子、孕激素和甲状腺激素、细胞黏附分子以及滥用药物进行检测。
- Police are searching for the culprits. 警方正在搜捕罪犯。
- He came out with a stream of abuse. 他讲了一连串的污言秽语。
- They are searching for a lost boy of three years. 他们正在寻找一个失踪的三岁男孩。
- "And meth seems to be increasing as the preferred drug of abuse among the youngest population - people who don't always know its dangers, often thinking it's fairly safe. “麻黄碱看来在年轻人群中会增加使用,这些年轻人不知道它的危害,常认为它是相当安全的。”
- The group is also beginning a search for drugs that might create the same effects without genetic manipulation and monitoring the animals' health and behaior oer time. 该小组同时也在着手寻找一种不依赖转基因手段但能产生同样效果的药物,并对小鼠的健康和行为进行长期监测。
- She greeted me with a stream of abuse. 她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。
- Unexpected end of file while searching for %1$S. 搜索%251%24S时遇到不期望的文件结束符。
- His business was a cover for drug dealing. 他的商行是进行毒品交易的幌子。