- The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness. 探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中。
- The police shone a searchlight on the house. 警察用探照灯照射这所房子。
- searchlight intersection 探照灯光交叉
- AB and CD intersect at (the point) P. AB线和CD线在P点相交。
- The lines AB and CD intersect at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- Cut to the left at the next intersection. 在下一个十字路口向左急转
- The searchlight bore on the enemy warship. 探照灯对准敌舰。
- He played a searchlight upon the aeroplane. 他向飞机打探照灯。
- The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city. 两条路在城郊交叉。
- The big searchlight illuminates a spot a mile away. 那盏大型探照灯照射着一英里之遥的地方。
- A searchlight beamed in the distance. 探照灯在远处照耀。
- An intersection formed in this way. 按此方式形成的交叉段
- Two cars collided at the intersection. 两辆车在交叉囗相撞。
- Streets usually intersect at right angles. 马路通常以直角交叉。
- The big searchlight illuminates a spot a mileaway. 那盏大型探照灯照射着一英里之遥的地方。
- The traffic banked up at the intersection. 车辆在交叉路口聚积起来。
- He played a searchlight on an object. 他用探照灯照射目标。
- Each intersection point will have two labels. 每一个交点都将有两个号码。
- The beam of the searchlight pierced the dark ness. 探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中.
- The searchlight lit up the whole area. 探照灯照亮了整个地区。