- The company has more on IBM, HP, SUN, SGI, such as Xiao Xingji platform on the second development capacity. 公司具有较强的基于IBM、HP、SUN、SGI等小型机系统平台上的二次开发能力。
- ASP is simple to install, easy to operate, while the advantages of strong second development is the best choice to users. ASP具有安装简单、操作方便、同时可二次开发性强等优点,是使用者最佳的选择。
- In the postprocessor program, calculation results can be intuitively shown graphically by the second development of Matlab. 在后处理中,采用对Matlab的二次开发,将计算结果用图形形式直观地显示出来。
- The application and comparison of second development of GIS,expression of Avenue,the method and theory of development of menu,tools and dialog box will be illuminated. 研究的主要内容是GIS编程开发实现方法的选择与比较,介绍avenue语法以及avenue语言二次开发菜单、工具条、对话框的原理与方法。
- Finally, by testing the system with GPS application, it validates the expansibility and the ability of second development of the handhold terminal based on GPRS network and RTOS. 最后,引入GPS应用对系统进行功能测试,来验证基于GPRS网络和实时操作系统作为手持终端基本平台的可扩展性和二次开发的能力。
- Make full use of market economy mechanism, insist to be thrown effectively, executive ladder second development, it is to solve " siphonage " strategic way. 充分利用市场经济机制 ,坚持有效投入 ,实施梯次开发 ,是解决“虹吸现象”的战略途径。
- Eddy current testing system of carburized materials was developed by using ANSYS software as second development platform. 以通用有限元分析软件ANSYS作为二次开发平台,开发了面向渗碳材料的涡流测试系统。
- One more point,a second development in packaging is that some customers are asking for consumer packs; I mean a pack which allows the products to the put directly onto store shelves. 还有一点,另一个包装方面的发展是客户要求零售包装,也就是说能够直接放到商店的货架上的小包装。
- The paper introduces the converting process and inspecting method of MD90-30 loft data and the second development of CATIA software in the course of MD90-30 cooperative production. 本文介绍MD90-30飞机合作生产中外形曲面的转换过程、验证方法和CATIA软件的二次开发,以及该项目的完成情况。
- Chapter Two is "The Second Development Of Rite: Confucius Added Humanity IntoRite", which investigates the development of Rite in Zhou Dynasty, main content,meaning and its defect. 第二章“孔子的第二次发展:以仁释礼”,主要从社会背景出发去考察孔子对周礼的发展、孔子“以仁释礼”的主要内容及其意义与缺陷;
- This article discussed about the methods of the second development in the ArcMap application of ArcInfo8, then showed how to create a customed command button in BVA environment of ArcMap to return the area for a selected polygon graphic. 对ArcInfo8的ArcMap环境下的二次开发方法做了一般阐述,并在ArcMap的VBA环境下创建源代码,定制了一个计算选定多边形面积的控件。
- Finally,the fully parametric drafting system is realized by organically integrating the geometric constraint solver(CBA) and AutoCAD based on the second development technology for AutoCAD. 并运用AutoCAD二次开发技术,将几何约束求解器CBA和CAD绘图平台有机结合,实现全参数化绘图。
- One more point, a second development in packaging is that some customers are asking for consumer packs; I mean a pack which allows the products to the put directly onto store shelves. 还有一点,另一个包装方面的发展是客户要求零售包装,也就是说能够直接放到商店的货架上的小包装。
- However, the second developer works on a class file for a different Web service on the same application. 但是,第二个开发人员使用的是相同应用程序上不同Web服务的类文件。
- This paper studies the second development technology of VBA based on AutoCAD and develops the visual FEM system of the metal gate. 研究了基于AutoCAD平台的VBA二次开发技术,进行了金属闸门可视化空间有限元分析系统的开发。
- Some changes have been written by a developer, others have been reviewed by a second developer, and so on. 一些变化由一个开发者写出,而另一些变化则由另一个开发者来作出评论,等等。
- Motor frame intensity analysis system was designed basing on summarizing the FEM analysis of motor frame by Visual Basic and ANSYS second development language,APDL(ANSYS Parametric Design Language). 在总结摩托车车架强度有限元分析的基础上;应用Visual Basic 6.;0和ANSYS分析软件二次开发工具APDL(AN-SYS Parametric Design Language)开发出摩托车车架强度分析系统。
- The piezoelectricity ultrasonic vibration CAD system is developed on the platform of UG with the second development tool . 以UG为开发平台,利用UG的二次开发工具开发出了压电超声振动CAD系统。
- One patient underwent a mastectomy that revealed extensive residual AVL and the second developed a high-grade angiosarcoma after 14 months. 一名患者经乳房切除,发现广泛残留AVL,后者在14月后发展成高级别血管肉瘤。
- He singled and went to second on a passed ball. 他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。