- second per revolution 每一转所需秒数
- When soft-sector is used, one pulse is issued per revolution at the beginning of a track. 当使用软磁段时,在每一圈的磁道起点发出一个脉冲。
- Saying that time races along at one second per second has as much scientific weight as the utterance of a Zen koan. 说时间以每秒一秒的速度前进,与禅宗公案中的妙语相较,科学的分量其实没有什麽差异。
- A centimeter - gram - second unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne - second per square centimeter. 泊流体动力黏度的厘-克-秒单位,等于每平方厘米达因-秒
- A "newton" equals the force required to make a1 kilogram mass accelerate at a rate of 1 meter per second per second. 1牛顿等于让质量为1千克的物体每秒加速度1米所需要的力。
- Barrage Time increased from 7 to 12 seconds. GLPS reduction of 1 second per level. 弹幕射击时间从7秒增加到了12秒。GLPS每升一级将会多减少1秒钟。
- The very high framerate, which is 72 frames per second per eye, makes sure the image looks continuous. 非常高的帧率,这是72帧每秒每眼,可以确保图像看起来连续的。
- Protoypes are accurate to within 10 microseconds per day, or roughly 1 second per 274 years. 目前的样品误差在每天1位秒之内,或约等于每274年误差1秒。
- A unit of acceleration equal to the acceleration caused by gravity at the earth's surface, about9.8 meters(32 feet) per second per second. 重力加速度的符号与地球表面重力加速度相等的加速度符号,约为9。8米(32英尺)每秒每秒
- In the meter-kilogram-second system, the unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second per second, equal to100, 000 dynes. 牛顿米/千克/秒体系中每秒钟使一公斤的物体加速一米所需力的单位,等于十万达因
- Please don't turn on usage with long time, hading better use don't more than 15 second per times. In order to prevent affect battery service life. 勿要长时间开启使用,最好使用时间每次不要超过15秒。以免影响电池使用寿命。
- In the lower Van Allen Belt, the proton intensity is about 20,000 particles with energy above 30 MeV per second per square centimeter. 在较低的范爱伦带,质子密度是每秒每平方厘米大约20,000个能量在30兆电子伏以上的粒子。
- A very precise clock that operates using the elements Cesium or Rubidium.A Cesium clock has an error of one second per million years. 一种极为精确的时钟;它是使用铯或铷元素运转的原子钟.;铯原子钟的误差为每百万年一秒
- Electrons reach a maximum energy of 1 MeV, and their intensity has a maximum of 100 million per second per square centimeter. 电子达到1兆电子伏的最大能量,它们的密度是最高每秒每平方厘米1亿个。
- A unit of acceleration equal to the acceleration caused by gravity at the earth's surface, about 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second per second. 重力加速度的符号:与地球表面重力加速度相等的加速度符号,约为9.;8米(32英尺)每秒每秒
- In the meter-kilogram-second system,the unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second per second,equal to 100,000 dynes. 牛顿米/千克/秒体系中每秒钟使一公斤的物体加速一米所需力的单位,等于十万达因。
- A centimeter-gram-second unit of force,equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second to a mass of one gram. 达因,以厘米每克每秒计量的单位,等于一克质量的物体每秒中产生每秒一厘米的加速度所需要的力。
- A centimeter - gram - second unit of force, equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second to a mass of one gram. 达因以厘米每克每秒计量的单位,等于一克质量的物体每秒中产生每秒一厘米的加速度所需要的力
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- A centimeter-gram-second unit of force, equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second to a mass of one gram. 达因以厘米每克每秒计量的单位,等于一克质量的物体每秒中产生每秒一厘米的加速度所需要的力