- Jack knocked his opponent out in the second round of the contest. 杰克在比赛的第二回合就把对方击倒了。
- The second round of voting hasn't finished. 第二轮投票还没有结束。
- Didn't you come to the capital after the second round of talks? 第二次和谈后你没有来过首都吗?
- second round of examinations 复试
- He was knocked out in the second round of this tournament. 在第二轮比赛中被淘汰了。
- The champion was disenthroned in the second round of the match. 这名冠军的头衔在第二轮比赛中被撤销。
- Will our team qualify for the second round of the competition? 我们队能有进入第二轮比赛的资格吗?
- Jack knock his opponent out in the second round of the contest. 杰克在比赛的第二回合就把对方击倒了。
- Has the duration of the second round of the six party talks been decided? 第二轮六方会谈的会期是否已确定?
- The soldiers kicked off the second round of the landmine clearance drive. 怎么译呢?是不是从星期五开始士兵踢地雷。
- We are in the thick of examinations. 我们正处在考试最紧张的时刻。
- Beijing won in the second round of the secret ballot, receiving 56 votes. 北京在第二轮无记名投票中获胜,得56票。
- Iran fired the second round of test missiles that could reach Israel. 伊朗发射了第二枚能够到达以色列的测试导弹。
- The UGC launched the second round of the Areas of Excellence scheme in January 2000. 教资会于二零零零年一月展开发展卓越学科领域的第二轮计划。
- A 3-0 victory agai t Costarica put Ecuador in the second round of the World Cup for the first time. 这场战役对厄瓜多尔来说意义可真是非同小可。厄瓜多尔第一次晋级世界杯十六强啊!
- After the first round of editing chorography, the second round continued and some more saw the light of day. 摘要地方志工作继第一轮修志在全国先后完成之后,第二轮修志也相继在全国展开,有不少续志问世,其中也不乏上乘之作。
- It is the most difficult of examinations. 那是最难的考试。
- Vijay shot a six-under 66 to g0 to the top of the leaderboard after the second round of the 350000 dollar Johnny Walker Super Tour. 在奖金为35万美元的尊尼获加超级巡回赛第2轮比赛中,维吉以净杆数66杆,低于标准杆6杆的成绩名列排行榜榜首。
- A3-0 victory against Costa Rica put Ecuador in the second round of the World Cup for the first time. 这场战役对厄瓜多尔来说意义可真是非同小可。厄瓜多尔第一次晋级世界杯十六强啊!
- I cannot accept any social engagements for the next few weeks, while we are in the thick of examinations. 今后几周我不能接受任何社交约会,因为我们处在考试的最紧张阶段。