- Step 1: Center the secondary mirror on the axis of the focuser drawtube. 把副镜中央置于调焦伸缩管的中轴。
- The secondary mirror must be adapted during the process of grinding and polishing to this other form. 副镜在磨制和抛光过程中必须与此新形状相适应。
- Mirror 4 is just a flat mirror like Newtonian telescope's secondary mirror, to give convenience for eyes. 镜4只是一块平面镜,就象牛顿式望远镜的副镜一样,方便观测。
- Step 2: Here you adjust the tilt of the secondary mirror to aim the focuser's axis at the center of the primary. 现在你已经调整了副镜的倾斜程度,把调焦座的中轴已经对准了主镜。
- This mirror is either the secondary mirror or another, smaller one interposed between the secondary and the detectors. 这个修正镜可用次镜,或是置于次镜与侦测器之间的更小镜子。
- The sub-mirror - also called the secondary mirror - is a tiny mirror behind the main mirror that passes light down to the autofocus module in the base of the mirror box. 副镜亦称第二镜---是一个主镜后面很小的镜子,把光向下反射到位于镜箱底部的自动对焦模块。
- A reflecting telescope that has a paraboloidal primary mirror and a hyperboloidal secondary mirror; light is brought to a focus through an aperture in the center of the primary mirror. 具有抛物面主镜和双曲面次镜的一种折射式望远镜;光线被集中到主镜中心的孔径。
- Under this condition, the stray light of a Cassegrain telescope comes from diffuse reflection of telescope tube wall, directly reflected light by a horseshoe mirror, diffuse reflection light by secondary mirror mount and is symmetrically distributed. 在这种条件下,卡塞 格伦望远镜系统杂散光成对称分布,主要来源于望远镜筒壁的漫反射光、马蹄镜的直接反射光和次镜支架的漫反射光。
- The VLT still jiggles in the wind somewhat, but the secondary mirror cancels the effects of these vibrations by moving in the opposite direction up to 70 times a second.OWL would do the same. 现在VLT在风中仍会有些许摇晃,但次镜可以朝反方向震动抵消这些晃动造成的影响,频率最高可达每秒70次,OWL也会采取这种设计。
- At the same time, the corresponding black body temperatures, digital counts and the temperatures of major mirror, refractor mirror, secondary mirror and calibration mirror are detected. 同时获取对应时刻的星上黑体温度、计数值以及星上环境温度。
- Both the classical parabolic trough system as well as the new concept of Fresnel systems with secondary mirrors are classified under linear concentrating systems. 无论是传统的抛物面槽式系统还是新型的有二级反光镜的菲涅耳系统,都属于线性聚光系统。
- It is unlucky to break a mirror. 打破镜子被认为是不吉利的。
- Mechanical analysis of secondary mirror supporting structure 次镜支撑结构的力学性能分析
- The calm water surface is very much like a mirror. 那平静的水面十分象一面镜子。
- The mirror fogged up with the steam. 镜子因蒙上水气而模糊不清。
- The big mirror has splintered off. 这面大镜子破碎了。
- His shaving mirror was covered with condensation. 他的剃须镜上有一层小水珠。
- Literature is a mirror of its time. 文学是时代的镜子。
- She stared at herself in the mirror. 她凝视着镜中的自己。
- He holds the mirror up to Nietzsche. 他把尼采如实地反映出来。