- They had had one secret meeting, with elaborate precautions. 他们已秘密地接过头,事先曾采取了周密的防范措施。
- Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongues. 他们秘密相会,使村民们议论纷纷。
- The spy was tipped off that the secret meeting would be held in London. 间谍得到情报说这个秘密会议将在伦敦举行。
- The police succeeded in flushing the criminal from their secret meeting place. 警察成功地把这名罪犯从秘密据点赶出来。
- This message was released in a secret meeting, so few people knew of it. 这个消息是在一次密会上宣布的,知道的人很少。
- In a not so secret meeting, personal terms have been thrashed out between the player and Chelsea. 在一个不是很保密的会议中,关于球员与球队间个人的一些条款已经被敲定。
- Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongue. 他们秘密相会,使村民们议论纷纷。
- India was said to have a secret meeting with KAZAKSTAN trying to meet an agreement on wheat. 印度秘密会谈买小麦据说已经和产粮大国哈萨克斯坦展开秘密会谈,希望达成一份双边小麦合同。
- Last week it emerged there was a secret meeting between Inter officials, including patron Massimo Moratti, and Buffon's agent, Silvano Martina. 上周布冯的经纪人席尔瓦诺-玛蒂纳和莫拉蒂进行了一次秘密会谈。
- On the boat, Prices examination received a mysterious letter, a letter from the person called Alicia, Prices request examination at the pier with a secret meeting place. 在船上,普莱斯考收到一神秘信件,信函来自一个叫艾丽西亚的人,要求普莱斯考与其在码头一秘密地点会面。
- British-based groups, including the Whitechapel Anarchist Group, ClassWar and the Wombles, held a secret meeting this week to discuss tacticsfor the demonstrations. 基于英国的一些团体,包括“白教无政府团体”,“阶级斗争”和Wombles,本周举行了一个秘密会议来讨论示威游行的战术。
- They held a secret meeting. 他们秘密举行会议。
- The former Spice Girl will fly to LA next week for a secret meeting, where she will give pal Katie, 27, advice for her big day - rumoured to be taking place near Lake Como in Lombardy. 辣妹下周将秘密前往LA为好友的婚礼出谋划策--据说婚礼将在意大利北部科摩湖畔举行.
- At a secret meeting in San Diego in April, representatives of the nation's top newspapers first broached the subject of temporarily relaxing antitrust laws preventing price-fixing in the industry. 在今年4月圣地亚哥召开的一个秘密会议上,来自美国顶级报纸的代表们首先提出了暂时放松旨在防范报业价格操纵的反垄断法。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- That dour, delicate revolutionary and I had developed a curious relationship over the nearly four years of secret meetings in Paris. 在将近四年的巴黎秘密会谈中,这位面孔通常阴森森的职业革命家与我建立了一种奇特的关系。
- After series of secret meetings, the handicapped woman and the feckless young man fall in love. 尽管世俗眼光是何等荒谬,爱字也从未溜出了口,他和她的爱却比任何人的都刻骨铭心。
- Palestine and Israel used to held secret meetings about the withdrawal plan of Israeli army, but no consensus was reached. 以巴双方此前曾就以色列逐步撤军计划进行过秘密接触,但没有达成共识。
- I arranged to meet him in secret. 我安排与他秘密会面。
- The apparent breakthrough came after a day of secret meetings in Beijing between Hill, North Korea's Kim and China's Wu. 僵局在希尔,北朝鲜的金桂冠,中国的武大伟于北京进行了为期一天的秘密会晤后有了明显突破。