- In the case of Shenzhen, the publicly owned sector is the mainstay of the economy, while the foreign-invested sector accounts for only a quarter. 从深圳的情况看,公有制是主体,外商投资只占四分之一
- The state is the leading steel producer and one of the biggest car manufacturers in the country, and the job-losing manufacturing sector accounts for almost a third of its output. 印第安纳州是美国主要的钢铁生产地,同时也是最大的汽车制造区之一,持续出现人员失业的制造业占据了产出的三分之一。
- China can't afford a housing-market slump because the property sector accounts for a quarter of fixed-asset investment and 10 percent of employment, Ulrich said. 李晶认为,政府可能采取的支持楼市措施包括进一步降低利率和银行存款准备金率,这将间接地有利于房地产市场。
- The major reform achievement has been in privatizing state enterprises. The private sector accounts for 70% of gross domestic product. There are 200 large state companies. 最大的改革成就在使国有企业私有化方面。私有企业占中国70%25的国内生产总值。现在有200个左右的国有企业。
- In recent years the finance sector accounted for 8 percent of America's G.D.P. 金融业近年来占全美国内生产毛额的8%25,30年前还不到5%25。
- In the case of Shenzhen, the publicly owned sector is the mainstay of the economy, while the foreign-invested sector accounts for only a quarter. And even in that sector, we benefit from taxes and employment opportunities. 从深圳的情况看,公有制是主体,外商投资只占四分之一,就是外资部分,我们还可以从税收、劳务等方面得到益处嘛!
- In the case of Shenzhen,the publicly owned sector is the mainstay of the economy,while the foreign-invested sector accounts for only a quarter. And even in that sector,we benefit from taxes and employment opportunities. 从深圳的情况看,公有制是主体,外商投资只占四分之一,就是外资部分,我们还可以从税收、劳务等方面得到益处嘛!
- The added value of the industrial sector accounted for 30 percent of Beijing's GDP. 工业增加值占国内生产总值的比重30%25。
- Because China's construction sector accounts for a big part of global demand for raw materials such as steel and copper, housing also will help determine the path that commodity prices take. 这是因为钢铁和铜等原材料的全球需求很大部分来自中国建筑部门,住房市场走势也将在一定程度上决定大宗商品价格的走势。
- The added value of the construction sector accounted for 7.8 percent of Beijing's GDP. 建筑业增加值占国内生产总值的比重7.;8%25。
- We’re talking about a lot of money here.In recent years the finance sector accounted for 8 percent of America’s G.D.P. 另外,由此还引出另一个疑问,如果真的有这么好的收益,为什么不干脆放弃股票买卖中介业务只做对冲基金赚大钱?
- Last year the property sector accounted for nearly 10% of total FDI inflows, the biggest destination for foreign investment after manufacturing (71%). 去年,房地产行业几乎占去了中国全部FDI的10%25,这也是除制造业外(71%25)吸收外国投资的最大行业。
- The added value of high-tech sector accounted for 31.2 percent of the total of industrial sector of Beijing,1.2 percentage points higher than that in 2000. 高新技术企业占全市工业增加值的比重达到31.;2%25,比上年提高1
- However, with the industrial sector accounting for only about15 per cent of US GDP, and the monthly numbers considered erratic, some commentators were more sanguine. 然而,由于工业部门仅占美国国内生产总值(DP)15%25右,加上人们认为月度数字波动性较大,因此一些评论人士较为乐观。
- Handbook on Household Sector Accounts; 家计部门核算手册;
- The added value of high-tech sector accounted for 31.2 percent of the total of industrial sector of Beijing, 1.2 percentage points higher than that in 2000. 高新技术企业占全市工业增加值的比重达到31.;2%25,比上年提高1
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- However, with the industrial sector accounting for only about 15 per cent of US GDP, and the monthly numbers considered erratic, some commentators were more sanguine. 然而,由于工业部门仅占美国国内生产总值(GDP)的15%25左右,加上人们认为月度数字波动性较大,因此一些评论人士较为乐观。
- Handbook on Public Sector Accounts; 公营部门核算手册;
- Don't juggle with your accounts. 不要在你的帐目上搞鬼。