- The Choice of Securities Investment Fund Management Company: Dual Consignation Agent and Integration Governance. 证券投资基金管理公司的双重委托代理关系与综合治理选择。
- Management of securities investment funds II. 证券投资基金管理学2。
- Securities investment funds Why are there so many? 证券投资基金为什么有那么多种?
- Orient Fund Management Co., Ltd. Oriental sound return on the bond-type securities investment fund prospectuses. 东方基金管理有限责任公司东方稳健回报债券型证券投资基金招募说明书。
- Factoring Fund Management Co., Ltd. updated finance industry boom of the Securities Investment Fund prospectuses. 融通基金管理有限公司 更新融通行业景气证券投资基金招募说明书。
- The amended Law allows insurance companies to invest in bonds, stocks, securities investment fund shares and immovable property. 修订后的保险法准许保险公司投资债券、股票、证券投资基金份额及不动产。
- Taida He Silver Fund Management Company Limited Update Taida He silver Optimization stock-market value of the securities investment fund prospectuses. 泰达荷银基金管理有限公司更新泰达荷银市值优选股票型证券投资基金招募说明书。
- Mr.Han Gang on recruiting for the "Great Wall Jiufu core growth Stock Securities Investment Fund (LOF) "fund managers notice. 关于增聘韩刚先生为“长城久富核心成长股票型证券投资基金(LOF)”基金经理的公告。
- Industrial investment trend in hybrid securities investment fund (LOF) Fourth dividend announcement for every 10 shares of the Fund to distribute a dividend of 0.42 yuan. 兴业趋势投资混合型证券投资基金(LOF)第四次分红公告,每10份基金份额派发红利0.;42元。
- The foreign securities investment fund laws have their merits and defects as well, therefore, we should borrow from them rather than just transplant them entirely. 国外的证券投资基金法律结构各有其优势和缺陷,因此,应借鉴其有益之经验,而不能不加否定地移植。
- In the last several years, open-ended fund (OEF) has become the main force of securities investment fund due to the impacts of both regulatory policy direct promotion and market demand. 随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国证券投资基金的发展速度也非比寻常,在短短几年中,在政策推动和市场需求的双重作用下开放式基金已经成为我国证券投资基金的主力军。
- Meanwhile, this offered theory support for administration of the security investment fund loo. 同时,这也为证券投资基金的治理提供了理论支持。
- Bao Bao Ying Fund Management Co., Ltd. hung lee surplus income securities investment funds to update a summary prospectuses. 宝盈基金管理有限公司宝盈鸿利收益证券投资基金更新招募说明书摘要。
- Zhi-day Fund Management Co., Ltd. announced on the two-day rule steady profit-bond fund securities investment funds into force of the contract notice. 天治基金管理有限公司公布关于天治稳健双盈债券型证券投资基金基金合同生效的公告。
- Fortis Haitong Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fortis selection of the sea, Two hybrid securities investment funds to update a summary prospectuses. 海富通基金管理有限公司海富通精选贰号混合型证券投资基金更新招募说明书摘要。
- Therefore, our government should fully recognize the dualism of the Security Investment Fund so as to promote its advantages and avoid its adverse impacts. 因此,在全面认识证券投资基金对对证券市场稳定性发面的双重效应后,我国政府在促进证券投资基金业发展的过程中,应充分认识到基金对市场的双重性,以期实现证券投资基金业的有序的发展和有效的监管,发挥其积极的作用,控制其不利的影响。
- The behavior of the investment of Ihe security investment fund is studied, not merely have very strong theory value, meanwhile, and have stronger practical value too. 证券投资基金的投资行为研究,不仅具有很强的理论价值,同时,也具有较强的实用价值。
- New Century Fund Management Co., Ltd. announced on preferred dividends in the new century hybrid securities investment funds to adjust the eleventh bonus point of the notice. 新世纪基金管理有限公司公布关于新世纪优选分红混合型证券投资基金第十一次调整分红点的公告。
- CITIC stability of the two-lee-bond securities investment funds in 2008 Fourth dividend announcement for every 10 shares of the Fund dividend distribution of 0.50 yuan. 中信稳定双利债券型证券投资基金2008年第四次分红公告,每10份基金份额分配红利0.;50元。
- AXA Bank-Fund Management Co., Ltd. CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. for the new silver-AXA to optimize income Notes securities investment funds to sell bodies. 浦银安盛基金管理有限公司新增中信银行股份有限公司为浦银安盛优化收益债券型证券投资基金代销机构。