- Securities transactions on the SEHK are executed by the Automatic Order Matching and Execution System (AMS). 联交所的证券交易经自动对盘及成交系统进行。
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.38. 参见莫里斯主编;李双元等译:;中国大百科全书出版社;1998年1月第1版;第1485页.
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions ,Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.33. 参见张仲伯主编:;中国政法大学出版社;1999年修订版;第293页.
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.33. 参见吴志攀主编:;法律出版社;1999年1月第1版;第354页.
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.30. 参见韩德培、李双元主编:;武汉大学出版社;1991年7月第1版.;本文如无特别说明;以下所引法规均出自该书
- See Hans Van Houtte,The law of Cross Border Securities Transactions, Sweet&Maxwell, 1st ed., 1999,p.39. 参见刘仁山著:;法律出版社;2001年12月第1版;第382页.
- To reduce settlement risk of cross-border securities trade by facilitating DvP settlement for cross-border securities transactions. 方便跨境债券交易进行货银两讫结算,藉以减少跨境债券买卖的结算风险。
- Securities companies shall only sell, by authorization, securities held in the customers'accounts and shall not finance securities transactions on behalf of customers. 第一百四十一条证券公司接受委托卖出证券必须是客户证券帐户上实有的证券,不得为客户融券交易。
- This forms part of the on-going effort to develop the Asian debt market by facilitating cross-border securities transactions in a safe and efficient settlement mode. 这是我们不断发展亚洲债务市场,促进跨境证券交易,确保以安全和有效率的方式进行结算工作的一部分。
- This would enable settlement time for securities transactions to be shortened and therefore made more efficient, with a view in the end of achieving real time DvP. 这项安排有助缩短证券交易的结算时间,提高结算效率,最终目标是达到即时货银两讫。
- When stocks or bonds are traded or resold, they are said to be sold on a secondary market. The majority of all securities transactions take place on a secondary market. 二级市场是股票或债券的交易场所。多数证券的交易活动都在二级市场进行。
- Securities companies shall not make promises, in any form, concerning the profitability of securities transactions or commit themselves to compensate customers for losses incurred as a result of securities transactions. 第一百四十三条证券公司不得以任何方式对客户证券买卖的收益或者赔偿证券买卖的损失作出承诺。
- Securities companies shall only purchase, by authorization, securities with funds actually held in the customers'accounts and shall not finance securities transactions on behalf of customers. 证券公司接受委托买入证券必须以客户资金帐户上实有的资金支付,不得为客户融资交易。
- When granted access to the RTGS, RLBs will be able to process large value inter-bank payments and also payments in settlement of securities transactions settled through the Central Moneymarkets Unit. 有限制牌照银行获准使用即时支付结算系统后,将可处理大额银行同业支付项目以及透过债务工具中央结算系统结算的证券交易。
- No further secure transactions can be conducted without re-entering your User-ID and password. 您必需再次输入您的使用者名称及密码,才可再进行安全交易。
- Credit card companies, banks, governments and retailers too are working together to create and promote secure transactions over the Internet. 信用卡公司、银行、政府和零售商也在一起工作,以建立和推动因特网上安全的交易。
- Basically, we use ID for the purpose of secure transaction. 从根本上说,使用ID号码输入是指纹验证安全性需要。
- Thirdly, in the long run, the goal is to repeal the securities transactions tax, and only levy security capital gain tax. 因此,是否应藉修法改善课税的方式以导正前述偏差,实有研究之必要。
- Credit card companies,banks,governments and retailers too are working together to create and promote secure transactions over the Internet. 信用卡公司、银行、政府和零售商也在一起工作,以建立和推动因特网上安全的交易。
- The introduction of this 144 A shares on trading and bargaining system, Nasdaq is expected to close in the fourth quarter of this system will be gradually introduced debt securities transactions. 在推出这一144A股票集中交易与议价系统后,纳斯达克预计将在第四季度将这一系统逐步引入债务证券交易。