- Security men mingled with the crowd. 保安人员混杂在人群中。
- The robbers got into the bank by masquerading as security men. 劫匪假装成保安人员进入银行。
- Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies). 民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。
- A new security man threw his weight about. 一个新上任的安全官滥用职权。
- The forecourt was crawling with security men. 前院布满了保安人员.
- The Woolies security man was standing there. 该死,Woolies的保安就站在那里。
- A security man was put in to check on doors and windows. 委派了一个安全人员检查门窗。
- Militiaman and public security men now closed in (on the spies). 民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。
- Some of the employees are hand in glove with the security men at the gate and can walk out with things belonging to the company. 有些雇员与门口的保安人呐喊相勾结,因而他们可以将公司的东西偷出去。
- The President's security men did their best to keep the crowds back from him. 总统的保安人员竭力挡住人群靠近总统。
- In no time a young security man ran towards me,and ordered me to follow him. 立刻有一位年轻的保安向我跑过来,并命令我跟他离开。
- In no time a young security man ran towards me, and ordered me to follow him. 立刻有一位年轻的保安向我跑过来,并命令我跟他离开。
- Security men believe the tit-for-tat murder are a result of the Birmingham bombing. 治安人员认为这种报复性谋杀是伯明翰爆炸所产生恶果。
- The public security men drove straight to the bandits' den with the suddenness of thunder bolt. 公安人员以迅雷不及掩耳之势直捣匪巢。
- The President's security men did their best to keep the crowds back from President. 保安人员竭力阻止群众靠近总统。
- They got into the palace in broad daylight,and made monkeys out of the security men. 他们在大白天进了王宫,作弄了那些保安人员。
- So the young security man ordered me to pass through the door alarm again. I did. 保安让我再从带警报的门走一次,我去了。
- Security men believe the tit - for - tat murder are a result of the Birmingham bombing. 治安人员认为这种报复性谋杀是伯明翰爆炸所产生恶果。
- They got into the palace in broad daylight, and made monkeys out of the security men. 他们在大白天进了王宫,作弄了那些保安人员。
- The security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time. 保安人员改变了他们通常的做法, 在不同的时间取款。