- This post has security of tenure. 这个职位是终身制。
- There was no security of tenure in the life of either. 两个人在生活中都没有安全感。
- When you rent a house here, you don't have security of tenure. 在这里租房子,没有保有期的保障。
- We would like to explore more, but we would need more security of tenure first. 我们愿意勘探更多资源,但我们首先需要获得更多的使用保障。”
- Statutory controls on rent and security of tenure have a long history in Hong Kong. 本港在楼宇租金及保障租住权方面实施法定管制,已有一段很长的历史。
- Formerly controlled tenancies will continue to enjoy security of tenure so long as the tenant is prepared to pay the prevailing market rent on renewal of the tenancy. 对于过去受管制的租赁,只要租客于续订租赁时愿意缴付市值租金,其租住权将继续得到保障。
- All domestic tenancies currently enjoy security of tenure so long as tenants are prepared to pay the prevailing market rent on expiry of their tenancy agreements. 本港所有出租住宅的租客,只要于租赁届满时愿意缴付市值租金,租住权都会继续受到保障。
- Tenancy-related matters, including security of tenure, are governed by the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance. 租住权保障等与租赁有关的事宜,由《业主与租客(综合)条例》规管。
- Tenancy-related matters,including security of tenure,are governed by the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance. 租住权保障等与租赁有关的事宜,由《业主与租客(综合)条例》规管。
- Given security of tenure to their land, people will work hard to improve their slums. 如果人们对土地的租用权得到确保的话,他们是会努力工作去改善贫民窟状况的。
- Relaxing statutory restrictions on security of tenure with a view to resuming the free operation of the private rental market. 放宽法例对私人楼宇的租住权管制,让私人租务市场恢复自由运作。
- Access to land and security of tenure are key considerations in Ghana as the majority of its population are engaged as food and cash crop farmers. 在加纳,从事粮食和经济作物生产的农民占人口大多数,因此,土地获得与使用权保障是加纳政府考虑的重点问题。
- This is a daunting task as population continues to increase and serious problems confront land accessibility and security of tenure. 随着人口不断增长以及土地获得与使用权保障面临着严峻的问题,这项任务异常艰巨。
- Those communities able to demonstrate this would then be eligible to apply for communal land titles, which would provide permanent security of tenure. 那些能做到的小区就能获得资格来申请集体土地所有权,这样就能永远安全地占有。
- An independent judiciary must include a number of elements: institutional independence from other branches of the government, a sound system of appointment of and security of tenure for judges. 独立的司法机构必须具备以下条件:独立于任何政府部门、健全的法官委任制度以及法官的任期得到保障。
- The statement underlines the cavalier attitude of the State Government towards the urban poor, the very people whose votes are sought before an election and who are promised security of tenure. 声明突出了州政府对城市贫民的傲慢态度。他们在选举前寻求贫民的选票,并且承诺贫民拥有住房安全保障。
- What I need now is the security of a happy home. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。
- However, property rights in China are decisively private.The crucial feature is that enterprise managers have enough security of tenure to make investments and receive rewards for their efforts. 然而,这种财产权又肯定是私有的,它的最关键特征是企业的经理有足够的任期保障去投资并得到回报。
- The security of the country had been imperilled. 国家安全处於危险之中。
- There might be a few steps in the chain of tenure. 在土地保有权的环节中可能存在几个步骤。