- security of troop station 驻地保卫
- What I need now is the security of a happy home. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。
- The security of the country had been imperilled. 国家安全处於危险之中。
- The understood conditions of troop withdrawal. 取得同意的军队撤退
- The troop stationed in the foot of the hill. 部队驻扎在山脚。
- A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from a main force to guard against surprise attacks. 前哨派驻在离主力部队很远的地带的支队以防敌人的偷袭
- The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. 我们的外交政策和国家安全都已面临考验。
- The security of the goods must be seen to. 货物的安全必须切实注意。
- In the south, Japan is raising the detachment of troops stationed in Okinawa to full brigade status, about 2,500 soldiers. 在南方,日本日本提高了其驻扎冲绳的特种部队战备水平,达到了全旅满员,大概有2500名士兵。
- In AD 234, Zhuge Liang to a large number of troops stationed in Longnan, a favorable leadxie gu elite troops Weinan, started fighting with Sima Yi. 公元234年,诸葛亮以重兵驻守陇南,亲率精兵出褒斜谷屯兵渭南,与司马懿展开激战。
- Home working security of equipment. 回家工作的设备安全。
- A regular place of assembly for reviews of troops. 阅兵场检阅军队时经常集会的地方
- Maintain the security of maritime traffic. 维护海运安全。
- Due to the important geographical location, history sent a large number of troops stationed, was also built in the Ming Dynasty Stone City, calling it a "very edge City. 到了清代,翡翠的加工、销售业已十分兴盛,现在,翡翠的加工、交易空前活跃,商业贸易、旅游等行业日益兴盛,“翡翠城”正以崭新的面貌吸引着海内外和客商。
- Have the security of a guaranteed pension. 有保证可获养老金的保障。
- Security of your life will be guaranteed! 我们保证你们的生命安全!
- Physical security of the workstation and the user. 工作站和用户的物理安全性。
- Excellent control for security of interlock method. 细腻而安全的操作系统。
- Analyze the security of the new MIT Card. 分析一下新MIT卡的安全性。
- Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses. 兵马未动,粮草先行。