- The domain was in the wrong state to perform the security operation. 域处于运行安全操作的错误状态。
- When SAS is initiated, all user mode applications pause until the security operation is completed or cancelled. 当SAS初始化后,所有用户模式应用程序中断直到安全操作完成或取消。
- The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation. 安全帐户管理器(SAM)或本地安全颁发机构(LSA)服务器处于运行安全操作的错误状态。
- BEIJING, Aug. 23 Xinhua 2008 Beijing International Press Center was held today in Beijing during the Games security operation a news conference. 中新网8月23日电2008北京国际新闻中心今天举行赛会期间北京城市运行保障新闻发布会。
- The two-week security operation for the WB/IMF Annual Meetings was similar to the arrangements for the Handover Ceremony. 为世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会而筹划的两星期保安行动与交接仪式的安排相类似。
- No insurance company may use its funds to set up any security operation organization or enterprise irrelevant to insurance. 保险公司的资金不得用于设立证券经营机构,不得用于设立保险业以外的企业。
- In terms of network operation, A-IMS as extensions to IMS/MMD enhances the IMS/MMD network security with the addition of Security Operation Center (SOC), posture agent, etc. 从网络运营的角度,针对IMS/MMD网络安全提出了一些扩展和补充,如增加了安全操作中心(SOC)和姿态代理(PostureAgent)等,使IMS/MMD网络的安全性得到了较大改进。
- In Baghdad a major security operation is held to ensure a sheer religious festival attended by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims has passed off with no large-scale violence. 成百上千名朝圣者在巴格达参加一个纯宗教节日,为确保该节日期间不发生大规模暴力事件,巴格达方面启动了高级保安行动。
- State security agencies in the region have taken stringent security operations. 州安全机构已经在该地区采取严格的安全行动。
- Protesters turned out by tens of thousands. Police mounted a security operation unprecedentedin Britain that aimed to protect Bush from terror attacks as well as maintain order on the streets. 反战者成千上万地涌出,为保护布什不受恐怖分子的袭击,同时也为维护街道的秩序,英国警察进入史无前例的保安措施。
- The power variation on the consumer side and the generation side caused by double auction may result in power flow's redispatch and have disadvantageous effect on power system security operation. 电力市场双侧竞价交易中发电商和用户报价变化所导致的竞价电量波动将会引起电力系统中潮流重新分布,对安全运行产生影响。
- Winnings information is stored in a secure operating environment. 您赢钱的资料会被保存在安全的操作环境中。
- There is no intelligence pointing to imminent terrorist activity but Britain's threat level remains “severe” and there will be a big security operation to protect the delegations. 没有情报指向恐怖主义活动的临近,但是英国面临的威胁等级仍然是“严峻”,而且为了保护代表团会有一个大规模的安全行动。
- The Group's securities operation consists of securities investment and securities brokerage. 集团之证券业务由证券经纪业务及证券投资组成。
- The hatchers of the blasts started attacks despite the tight security operations of Uribe's inauguration. 策划爆炸的人无视尤瑞比就职的严密安全措施发动动攻击。
- NATO is to take over security operations from the US-led coalition Monday in6 key southern Afghan provinces. 北大西洋公约组织(个名字中文都记不住,汗)星期一从6个南阿富汗省接管安全操作。
- Authorization is validating if an authenticated user is allowed to perform a secured operation. 授权是指检查一个通过鉴别的用户是否被允许执行一个安全的操作。
- On one hand person is the assuror for the secure operation, on the other hand the causer and casualty for the accident. 人,是安全的保证者,同时也可能是事故的引发者和受害者。
- Both security operations went smoothly and the favourable law and order situation in Hong Kong was maintained throughout the transition period. 两项盛事的保安工作均十分顺利,香港在过渡期内的治安维持良好。
- Officers also attended overseas training courses to enhance their skills in conducting large-scale security operations and crowd control events. 此外,多名人员曾赴海外修读训练课程,以提高他们在执行大型保安行动和人群管理工作的技巧。