- The per annum sediment yield of landslide was 5. 通过分析该区滑坡灾害,得到黑方台滑坡年均产沙量为5。
- The region of flow produce is loose embankment and the flat roof, the gully erosion chain is the main cause of the sediment yield increase. 弃土场内主要的产流区域为松散边坡和平台,坡面的侵蚀链是造成区域内产沙量增加的主要原因。
- The runoff and sediment yield is affected by the process of rainfall and the function of water and soil conservation measurement. 弃土场区域内产流受到降雨特征和水保措施功能发挥的影响。
- Therefore, one new runoff-sediment relationship model is established for specific watershed: M=Ch, where M is area-specific sediment yield, h is runoff depth. 因此可用正比关系式来拟合较大洪水次暴雨径流深和产沙模数之间的关系。
- Because of hard ground surface characters of big bulk densities, bare surface and be disturbed easily,the hard ground surface has its laws about sediment yield. 硬地面由于具有容重大、地表完全裸露、易受人为干扰等特性,因而其产沙特性有其自身的规律。
- Factors affecting the processes of soil erosion and sediment yield have more asymmetry and variability and enhance the complexity of modeling sediment yield in different scales. 影响侵蚀产沙过程的因素在时空上具有很大的不均匀性和变异性,增加了不同尺度间侵蚀产沙模拟的复杂性。
- Soil erosion on loess slopes has clear vertical zonation.Each erosion zone has its own characteristics of erosion and sediment yield, and the zones tend to have mutual influence. 黄土梁峁坡面土壤侵蚀具有明显的垂直分带性,不同侵蚀带具有各自的侵蚀产沙特点,且彼此相互影响。
- As for monthly simulation accuracy,the mean over 3 years is 83.84% and the mean over 8 years is 86.05% for water yield,and the mean over 2 years is 68.80% and the mean over 8 years is 59.70% for sediment yield. 至于月平均模拟精度;产水量3年为83.;84%25;8年为86
- Abstract: With the development of dam system works in gully construction, a certain quantity of "wetland"indications in gully have occurred in the area of sediment yield from base rock of loess plateau. 文摘:随着沟道坝系工程建设的开展,黄土高原基岩产沙区出现了一些沟道湿地迹象。
- Based on artificial rainfall,the courses of sediment yield were studied, at the same time, analyze influence of rainfall intensity, gradient and bulk densities to sediment yield amount. 在人工降雨实验模拟的基础上,对硬地面次降雨侵蚀产沙过程和影响硬地面侵蚀产沙的因素进行了初步探讨,为硬地面的侵蚀防治提供了科学依据。
- The annual variation of runoff and erosion induced sediment yield gradually decreased along with the development of soil and water conservation work and the increase of forest and grass vegetation. 径流和侵蚀产沙的年际变化是随流域水土保持措施全面实施和小流域林草植被面积的增加,流域径流量和侵蚀产沙量逐渐减少。
- The relationship of erosion and sediment yield and the effect of rainfall runoff on sediment delivery ratio of basin system are discussed based on data of Dalihe in the gullied hilly loess areas. 根据大理河流域水文测验资料,探讨了黄土丘陵沟壑区流域系统泥沙输移比的年际与次降雨时空变化特征和次降雨径流对泥沙输移比的影响及影响次降雨泥沙输移比的暴雨洪水能量转换机制。
- We will never yield to invaders. 我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。
- It"s the foundation of sediment yielding model to simulate the slope surface runoff yielding and conflux and rainfall-flood process accurately. 准确模拟坡面产汇流及降雨洪水过程是产沙计算的基础。
- soil erosion and sediment yield model 侵蚀产沙模型
- soil erosion induced sediment yield 侵蚀产沙
- process of runoff and sediment yield 水沙过程
- runoff and sediment yield mathmatical modelling 侵蚀水沙耦合数学模型
- runoff generation and sediment yield 产流产沙
- The town was forced to yield after a long siege. 该城受长期围困而被迫弃守。