- see into a stone wall 目光锐利;明察秋毫;有洞察力
- Those who refuse to recognize and respect the diversity of the world and attempt to impose uniformity are sure to run themselves into a stone wall. 不承认,不尊重世界的多样性,企图建立清一色的一统天下,是必定要碰壁的。
- The students ran into a stone wall when they asked the principal to put off the examination. 学生们向校长请求将考试延期,他们碰了一鼻子灰。
- A stone dropped into a quiet pool of water. 一块石头扔进一池静水中。
- run one's head into a stone wall 枉费心机;白费力气;做不可能的事
- I can see into a millstone,as the saying is. 我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。
- I can see into a millstone, as the saying be. 我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。
- I can see into a millstone, as the saying is. 我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。
- He climbed into a cave and with the help of a candle he saw into it. 他爬进一个山洞,借助一根蜡烛,他看清了洞里面。
- run into a stone wallvi. 碰壁
- ran into a stone wallv. 碰壁
- It burst into a flame, and where its light fell up on the wall it became as transparent as s veil, and she could see into the room. 火柴发出火焰,墙上被火光照亮的地方,那里像面罩一样透明;他能够看见那个房间里的东西。
- The girl listened as if she had been turned into a stone. 那女孩倾听着,像已经变成了石头似的。
- I bump into a stone, and kick it to one side purely physically. 我碰到一个石块,便把它踢到一旁,这是物质上的反应。
- Ashima turns into a stone elephant stationed in the rock forest. 最后,阿诗玛变成了一座美丽的石像,永驻石林。
- He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard. 他用一只手电筒照看黑暗的橱柜。
- Please see into this matter without delay. 请立即调查这件事情。
- A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot put out. 一愚闯祸,百智难补。
- A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. [谚]一个蠢人造成的损失,一百个聪明人也不能补回。
- For a time he tried doggedly to see into the place. 他有一阵非要往里边望望清楚不可。