- You can see previous issues of Vegan Outreach's e-newsletter here . 只有这样我们才能尽力为动物做最多的事情。
- Four user and kernel code and data segments (see previous section). 四个用户/内核代码/数据段。
- The directory could not be started. See previous log entry for details. 无法启动目录。请参阅上个记录项目以获得详细信息。
- The components we saw previously assumed that there are only two access levels, unauthenticated and authenticated. 前面提到的那个组件仅仅假设只有两种访问级别,未通过验证和已通过验证。
- There was a conservatory attached to it, with shells covering the walls and ceiling of the actual house (like what we've seen previously on the beach). 房子外面还有一张蓝白相间的扶手椅,房子周围的地面上被枯草和沙子覆盖。
- Last year's event finished at an innovative launch to giant cannister to gap out which was unlike anything seen previously at this kind of event. 去年的闭幕式从一条改造后的助跑道上到一个巨大的罐子供gap out表演。这在以前的同类赛事中从未见过。
- Infrared images by the robotic Cassini spacecraft of the north pole of Saturn have uncovered aurora unlike any other seen previously in our Solar System. 卡西尼土星探测器拍摄的土星北极红外线照片中显示,上面的极光不似我们之前在太阳系所见到的极光。
- To start creating new aggregation designs you must be connected to the query log database, see previous step. 若要开始创建新聚合设计,您必须连接到查询日志数据库,请参阅上一步骤。
- Diourbel is still the most severely affected region with 288 cases and 2 deaths(see previous report). 迪乌贝尔仍然是受影响最严重的行政区,有288例和2例死亡(见以前的报告)。
- Diourbel is the most severely affected region with 808 cases and 7 deaths (see previous report). 迪乌贝尔是最严重的受感染行政区,共发生808例和7例死亡(见以前的报告)。
- If you used a different database name and/or user (see previous step), edit wp-config.php in your NEW blog's installation folder appropriately. 上传旧博客的安装文件夹到你原来的服务器上,覆盖现有的文件(你也可以删除文件夹,然后重新上传旧博客的文件)。
- See the children ramping about in the playground. 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。
- They also use longer torsion bars (red arrows), which are covered by two vertical fins in the rear bodywork (see previous engine cover drawing). 车队亦换上了较长的扭力杆(红色箭头处),这些扭力杆被车体后方垂直的鳍所遮罩(见下方引擎外罩的插图)。
- The overall case-fatality rate this year, particularly in Jakarta, has been lower than in previous years ( see previous report ). 今年的整体病死率特别是雅加达,低于前些年(参见以前报告)。
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 见到一只畸形动物常常会使人感到不快。
- From 6-18 January 2005, 8 cases of meningococcal disease have been reported from Brejing, Treijing and Farchana refugee camps in northern Chad (see previous report). 2005年1月6日至18日,乍得北部的Brejing、Treijing和Farchana难民营报告了8例脑膜炎球菌病(见以前的报告)。
- Now you see I was telling yow the truth. 现在你明白我对你讲的是真话了。
- Now I begin to see light on their good intentions. 现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了。
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。
- You saw previously that a call to the 在前面看到调用