- June: I don't want a mink coat! I want to see the world. 琼:我不要貂皮大衣!我要去见见世面。
- Two drifters, off to see the world. 两个漂流者出发去看世界。
- Seeing the world in our own eyes. 用我们的眼睛来看世界。
- My thoughts were bent on seeing the world. 我一心一意想离家去遨游世界。
- It is time you began to see the world. 这可是您去周游世界的好机会。
- It was a chance to see the world and I accepted. 这是个见识世界的机会,我接受了。
- See The World Landmarks In One Day! 您给我一天,我给您一个世界!
- Two drefters off to see the world. 两个漂流人,同去把世界观看。
- And I knew I wanted to travel and see the world. 并且我知道我想环游世界
- Coldplay,Damien.Coldplay- How You See The World No. 另外有如大家熟悉的。
- To see the world in a grain of sand. 一粒沙子看一下世界。
- Where do you see the immerging market in the world? 你认为世界上哪里是潜在的市场?
- I don't want a mink coat! I want to see the world. 我不要貂皮大衣!我要去见见世面。
- I'd like to see the world and rough it. 我很想看看世界,而且磨炼一下。
- Do you see the world through troubled eyes? 还是因为那痛苦眼睛里的世界?
- She sees the world through rose-colored glasses. 她乐观地看待世事。
- I am willing to see the world in new ways. 我愿意用新方式看这个世界。
- And I can see the world I see it in your eyes. 我看到了世界,它就在你的眼中。
- You see the world through rosecolored glasses. 你们把这个世界看成完美无缺
- Then will you be happy when you see the world? 那么,当您周游这个世界时,您感到幸福,快乐吗?