- Ye Minquan: Professor, Xinjiang Seismological Bureau, Urumchi 830011. 叶民权:研究员,新疆地震局,乌鲁木齐830011。
- At the same time, Seismological Bureau of nation advance the south of Liaoning maybe gestates a biggish earthquake. 与此同时,国家地震局也提出了辽宁南部可能孕育着一次较大地震。
- Tremors were also reported in over half of China's provinces and municipalities, the China Seismological Bureau said. 地震局称,中国半数以上的省市都感到了颤动。
- The Sichuan provincial seismological bureau said more than 1,180 tremors up to six magnitude have been recorded as of 5:00 am on May 13. 四川省地震局称,截止5月13日凌晨5点,该地区共发生1180多次余震,最高震级达六级。
- According to Chen, other scientists also provided predictions of strong quakes in the Wenchuan area to the China Seismological Bureau. 据陈一文所知,还有其他科学家也曾向中国地震局提出过汶川地区可能发生强震的预测。
- The China Seismological Bureau (CSB) on Sunday revised the magnitude of southwest China earthquake from 7.8 to 8.0 on the Richter scale. 中国地震局周日将中国西南地震的规模从里氏7.;8上修为8
- Seismological Bureau in Hunan Province.1982.Earthquake History in Hunan Province[M].Hunan Science and Technology Press,Changsha (in Chinese). 湖南省地震局.;1982
- The epicenter was at 29.8 degrees north and 90.3 degrees east, 82 km from Lhasa, according to the State Seismological Bureau (SSB). 据国家地震局测定,震中在北纬29.;8度,东经90
- The Sichuan Seismological Bureau warned residents that a strong aftershock was likely to happen in the province, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,四川省地震局警告居民省内可能会发生强烈余震。
- China Seismological Bureau requires each network to transmit earthquake catalogue every month in a special document form. 中国地震局要求各台网每月上网传输地震目录,并提供了文件格式。
- Institute of Geology,SSB,Seismological Bureau of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.1990.Haiyuan Active Fault[M].Seismological Press,Beijing(in Chinese). 国家地震局地质研究所;宁夏回族自治区地震局.;1990
- We combined the experience of the government engineering Web page making of Fujian seismological bureau to introduce the skill of Frontpage 2000 in Web page making. 作者结合福建省地震局政府上网工程网页制作的经验,介绍了Frontpage 2000在Web网页制作中的使用技巧。
- All the experiments have been run on the piston-cylinder apparatus with solid confining media in Laboratory of Tectonophysics, China Seismological Bureau. 全部实验是在中国地震局构造物理开放实验室的活塞-圆筒式固体介质实验装置上完成的。
- In charge of Construction Department, Environmental Protection Bureau, Seismological Bureau, Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, contact the Tibet Marketing Sub-Branch of China Petroleum. 分管自治区建设厅、环境保护局、地震局、烟草专卖局,联系中国石油西藏销售分公司。
- Institute of Geology,State Seismological Bureau,Seimological Bureau of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.1990.The Haiyuan active fault zone[M].Seismological Press,Beijing(in Chinese). [1]国家地震局地质研究所;宁夏回族自治区地震局.;1990
- The Pakistani seismological bureau says the quake hit at around 6:00am local time, 200 kilometers north of Peshawar in the mountainous Hindu Kush region straddling the Afghan-Pakistani border. 巴基斯坦地震局公布说地震发生于当地时间早上6点左右,地点位于白沙瓦北部200公里横跨阿-巴边界的印古什山区。
- The Pakistani seismological bureau says the quake hit at around6:00 am local time,200 kilometers north of Peshawar in the mountainous Hindu Kush region straddling the Afghan-Pakistani border. 巴基斯坦地震局公布说地震发生于当地时间早上6点左右,地点位于白沙瓦北部200公里横跨阿-巴边界的印古什山区。
- XU Xi-wei.1989. The characteristic of neotectonic activity of Shanxi Graben and its formational mechanism [D]. Ph D Thesis. Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, Beijing (in Chinese). 徐锡伟.;1989
- XU Xi-wei. 1989. Characteristics of neo-tectonics and formation mechanism of Shanxi graben system [D]. Ph D thesis. Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, Beijing (in Chinese). 徐锡伟.;1989
- Institute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, Seismological Bureau of Yunnan Province. 1990. Active Faults in Northwestern Yunnan Province [M]. Seismological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 国家地震局地质研究所;云南省地震局.;1990