- selective abstract service 文摘选录服务
- Finally, the abstract service interface definition defines the operations that can be used and the input and output data types. 最后,抽象服务接口定义定义了能够使用的操作,以及输入和输出数据的类型。
- Information technology. Text and office systems. Document filing and retrieval (DFR). Part 1 : abstract service definition and procedures. 信息技术.;文本和办公文件体系
- Includes selected abstracts from research journals. 包括研究期刊中精选的摘要。
- The SciFinder Scholar is a network search system for science researchers,provided by the Chemistry Abstract Service(CAS)of America. Its information quantity and its search function are superior to those of presswork and CD. SciFinder Scholar是美国化学文摘社(CAS)针对科学研究人员提供的网络检索系统,无论是信息量还是检索功能都是印刷版和光盘版化学文摘无可比拟的。
- General purpose middleware such as file systems, database managers, directories, and workflow managers provide these abstract services on top of the physical grid. 通用的中间件,比如文件系统、数据库管理员、目录和工作流管理人员,在物理网格之上提供这些抽象服务。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- She is selective in the dresses she wears. 她对于自己穿的衣服精挑细选。
- Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, CASSI 六、资料来源索引
- The Secret Service screened hundreds of students to select its agents. 特务机关仔细审查了数百名学生以选择特务人员。
- He's hung on abstract art this year. 今年他对抽象艺术很感兴趣。
- chemical abstracts service source index 美国化学文摘资料来源索引
- Based on speculative or abstract reasoning. 哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的
- She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。
- Abstract words are beyond the ken of children. 抽象的词语是幼童所无法理解的。
- Can student willfully select the course? 学生可以随意选择课程吗?
- Abstract art is an acquired taste. 抽象派艺术要慢慢才会欣赏。
- Abstract painting and sculpture. 抽象派的绘画和雕塑
- A select group were invited to the wedding reception. 一群经过挑选的人士被邀请参加婚宴。