- selective accessibility model 选择通达模型
- selective accessible model 选择通达模型
- An example application of a unit test under load is to test data access model components. 负载下单元测试的一个示例应用程序用于测试数据访问模型组件。
- The DBA has SELECT access to all system views, but not the underlying system tables. DBA拥有所有系统视图的SELECT访问权限,但是对基础系统表却没有这种权限。
- Solve the problem of remote access is the key element to create a reliable identity and access model. 解决远程访问问题的关键要素就是创建可靠的身份和访问模型。
- Monitor and verify selected access list operations on the router. 观察和校验选中的访问表的运作。
- Foremost the thesis put forward one important index, town accessibility, and analyzes mechanisms among accessibility, roads and towns. So accessibility model can support optimization of regional town roads system. 并提出影响小城镇交通优化目标的重要指标一可达性,在可达性模型的支撑下,实现区域可达性与交通、城镇之间的机制分析,从而为以可达性为目标的区域城镇交通系统优化提供支持。
- Broadband Remote Access Server is a new type of access server which is very important in the next generation DSL access model designed by DSL Forum. 宽带远程接入服务器(BRAS)是DSL Forum在下一代DSL接入体系中占重要地位的新型接入网关。
- At the same time, it is also the injection point for policy management and IP QoS in the Regional/Access Networks, which can not been performed in the early DSL access model. 电信运营商还可以在宽带远程接入服务器中加入一系列的管理和运营策略,这在以前的DSL接入体制中是难以实现的。
- Develop the main adoption ASP of that system+ Access model, and the adoption is related to lend support to the tool software, such as: Dreamweaver, photoshop. 第三,计算机可以大大的提高人们的工作效率;第四,计算机可以使敏感文档更加安全,等等。计算机的高速发展必然带动了网络的进步。
- Chapter one discusses the researches made by scholars at home and abroad on vocabulary acquisition, spelling errors and orthographic representation access model. 本文除了导言和结论以外,由四章组成。第一章探讨国内外专家学者在词汇习得、拼写错误及词形表征存取模式方面的研究成果。
- Andrew Farrow and Andy Nelson, Accessibility Modelling in Arcview 3 : An extension for computing travel time and market catchment information, 2001. 王德,刘锴.;上海市一日交流圈的空间特征和动态变化研究
- Used by departments that develop and manage their own services, but share a few of them, or selectively access services provided across the enterprise. 供各个部门使用,这些部门开发和管理自己的服务,但共享其中部分服务或者有选择地访问企业提供的服务。
- Providers hide the implementation details unique to a managed resource by exposing the managed resource to the WMI infrastructure based on WMI's standards-based, uniform access model. 通过将托管资源公开给基于WMI标准的、统一访问模型的WMI基础结构,提供程序隐藏托管资源独有的实现详细信息。
- Administrators in these environments had to assign permissions for a multitude of attributes for mail recipients so that appropriate tasks could be delegated in a least-privilege access model. 这些环境中的管理员必须为邮件收件人的大量属性委派权限,以便可以在权限最低访问模型中委派相应的任务。
- Exampling on the speciality service firm, the advantage and shortcoming of speciality accession model and four piece of principle for choice of comate are treated. 本文从实践中总结出虚拟企业售后服务运营的三种基本模式:平行作业、专业加盟和一主多从。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- They focused on the principles of least privilege and compartmentalization, both of which can help you design high-quality access models. 他们主要讨论了最小特权原则和分隔的原则,这二者都可以帮助您设计高质量的访问模型。
- She is selective in the dresses she wears. 她对于自己穿的衣服精挑细选。
- For instance, the potential of open access models for the promotion of innovation and creativity should be explored as a feasible and desirable option in many contexts. 例如,应该探索以推动创新和发明为目标的开放共享式模型的潜力,许多情况下它都是切实可行且具有一定吸引力的选择。