- Study on select breeding effect of mature period different corn variety by plantation in different time 利用错期播种提高不同熟期玉米品种选育效果的研究
- selective breeding effect 选择育种效应
- The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding. 优生学通过可控制选择性生育来对人种进行遗传学上的改善的研究
- Adopted gene flow method and applied special breeding scheme software ZUPLAN to analysis the breeding effect of current Merino sheep breeding scheme. 采用基因流动法应用育种规划专用程序ZUPLAN分析研究了细毛羊现行育种方案的育种成效。
- Through selective breeding strategies, veterinarians and breeders are attempting to eliminate Canine Hip Dysplasia. 通过选择性繁育策略;兽医和养犬人试图消除这种疾病.
- The basic beginnings of genetic history lay in the ancient techniques of selective breeding to yield special characteristics in later generations. 遗传史发端于古老的选择性繁殖技术,这种技术能在后代当中产生独特的特征。
- Selective Breeding and High-yielding and Quality Cultivation Technique of Pastare Variety-Lincao (mai) No. 临草(麦)一号选育及高产优质栽培技术。
- After using the method of contrast, the influence of breeding effect of market hen by replacing anti-coccidiosis agent with coccidium vaccine is studied in this article. 摘要采用对比的方法,研究了用球虫疫苗替代抗球虫药对肉用母鸡养殖效果的影响。
- A strain, as of livestock or plants, developed and maintained by selective breeding. 血统(牲畜或植物的)血统,利用优生种子发展和保持
- The study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating). 为改进遗传品质的饲养选择的方法研究,特别是对人类的。
- To improve the quality of(livestock) by selective breeding for desired characteristics. 改善品质,改良品种通过为得到所希望的特征而进行的有选择的交配而改善(牲畜)的品质
- A_3 Cytoplasmic-male sterility(CMS) can be used as the tester in the selective breeding of the maintainers of A_1 and A_2 CMS. 高粱A3类型细胞质雄性不育系可用于A1,A2保持系选育的测验种。
- The experiment shows that it would not reduce the breeding effect after using the coccidian vaccine.It also may avoid the remedy residue and make important significance for producing green food. 试验表明用球虫疫苗替代抗球虫药不会降低肉用母鸡的养殖效果,并且采用球虫疫苗替代抗球虫药的使用,避免了药物残留,对于生产“绿色食品”具有重要意义。
- The study has provided important parameters in selective breeding and application of new varieties of wheat with midge resistance. 该项研究为抗麦红吸浆虫小麦新品种的选育与应用提供了重要抗性指标。
- The conservation research of plant germplasm resources has the extremely vital significance for the biology multiplicity protection and selective breeding of the new variety. 摘要植物种质资源的保存研究对于生物多样性保护和新品种选育均具有十分重要的意义。
- Wild tomatoes, for instance, are very small and round, but through selective breeding we now have cultivated tomatoes that may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or even donut-shaped. 例如,野生番茄,很小也很圆,但是我们现在选择栽培种子得时候可以选择梨形的,鸡蛋形的,或者甚至是油榨圈形状的。
- The most famous study on selective breeding for passivity began in 1959 by Russian geneticist Dmitri Belyaev of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Siberia. 人为选育驯化物种的最著名例子,是位于西伯利亚细胞及遗传学研究所的俄罗斯遗传学家贝里也夫的研究。
- By selective breeding, it is possible to breed iridescent turquoise, steel blue and royal blue fish with mask features but also to breed metallics with solid black heads. 通过选择育种,有可能滋生虹彩绿松石,钢蓝色和皇室蓝鱼罩的功能,而且滋生金属与固体黑色元首。
- Breeding Effect of Different Zinc Sources on Chicks 不同锌源对肉用仔鸡的饲养效果
- But with selective breeding and maybe genetic engineering it would be pretty simple to end up with seeds that produce plants with waxier and more reflective leaves. 但通过选择性种植也许遗传基因工程,也许结束那些长出苍白叶子的种子取而代之更具反射性的叶子会变得十分简单。