- selectively gold leaching 选择性浸金
- Hydrogen peroxide and cyanide consumptions can be reduced with the similar gold leaching speed and recovery. 在金浸出速度和浸出率基本相同的情况下,可以降低过氧化氢和氰化物的耗量。
- It can match tower mill which is specially used in cyaniding technology of gold leaching while pulverizing. 介绍了一种与边磨边浸氰化提金工艺中的塔式磨浸机相匹配的沉降分级机。
- Eeffects of assisted gold leaching reagents, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, on the gold cyanide leaching performace are studied. 对辅助浸金剂高锰酸钾和过氧化氢的加入次序对金氰化浸出行为的影响进行了探讨。
- The gold leaching biologicals were prepared from protein rich surplus stock of food industry after changing property through hydrolysis. 选用富含蛋白质的食品工业下脚料经水解改性以后,制备成生物浸金制剂。
- Factors influencing the performance of gold leaching as density of ore pulp and oxidant and leaching temperature and time were studied. 研究了矿浆浓度、氧化剂浓度、浸出温度和浸出时间对金浸出的影响。
- The experiment of leaching gold in abandoned printed-wiring board with thiourea indicates that gold leaching with thiourea is possible and effective. 试验研究了采用硫脲法有效地从废弃印刷线路板中回收金。
- The gold leaching rate increased from 47% to 90% by the application of alkaline hot Press oxidation of finely disseminated gold ore. 对于贫硫化物微细粒浸染型金矿石,采用原矿碱性热压氧化预处理工艺,其金浸出率可由常规浸出的47%25提高到90%25以上。
- Abstract: Eeffects of assisted gold leaching reagents, potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, on the gold cyanide leaching performace are studied. 文摘:对辅助浸金剂高锰酸钾和过氧化氢的加入次序对金氰化浸出行为的影响进行了探讨。
- There are many factors affecting soaping gold with cyanidation, two of which, suitable temperature and dissolved oxygen, can increase gold leaching ratio with cyanidation. 影响氰化法侵金的因素较多,其中选择适宜温度和溶解氧供给条件,也是提高金矿石氰化浸出率的两项重要技术措施。
- It showed that in the given conditions,the gold leaching rate of oxidized type gold ore by biologicals was more than 95% while the gold leaching rate of r... 结果表明,在选择的条件下,生物浸金制剂对氧化型金矿石金的浸出率大于95%25,对经过细菌预氧化的难浸金精矿金的浸出率与氰化法相同。
- S.B. Wen, C.S. Hsih, and C.C. Kuan, “The application of mineral exposure model on gold leaching operation”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, V. 46, 215-230, 1996. 杨家欣硕士论文,1997,”晶界单离因子应用于花岗岩单离现象及破碎行为模式之研究”,国立成功大学资源工程研究所。
- The experimental research of gold leaching of copper-bering gold ore by ammoniacalcyanide process and the effecta of various operation condition on gold extraction have been investigstedin this paper. 本文对氨氰法浸取含铜金矿石进行了工艺过程研究,详细地考查了各操作条件对金浸取率的影响。
- An increased gold leach rate of 5 97% can be attained from ore sample minus 30 mm with the K-104 aid. An increment of 10 77% can be obtained from ore sample minus 10 mm by means of leaching with K-104 and then leaching with the L-88 aid. 试验表明, -30 mm 矿石采用K-104 助浸, 金液渣平均浸出率可提高5?97 %25 , -10 mm 矿石采用K-104 预浸及L-88 助浸, 金液渣平均浸出率可提高10?77%25 。
- In thecondition of venting air and adding SO_3~(2-), the consumption of SO_3~(2-) is about 40 percent,while the concentration of S_2O_3~(2-) increased by 76 percent, which compensated the loss ofS_2O_3~(2-) and make the gold leaching system more stable. 在通空气,加 SO_3~(2-)的情况下,SO_3~(2-)消耗40%25,而 S_2O_3~(2-)浓度增加76%25,弥补了S_2O_3~(2-)氧化造成的损失,使浸金成分稳定;
- The thermodynamic criterion of the gold leaching with thiocyanate is deduced,the gold leaching reaction with thiocyanate in the presence of oxidant is thermodynamically analyzed and discussed. 推导硫氰酸盐体系浸金的热力学判据,从热力学角度分析和讨论氧化剂参与下硫氰酸盐浸金的反应过程,比较硫氰酸盐、硫代硫酸盐、硫脲和氰化物浸金的热力学判据和相关参数。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。