- Deep within your heart is a pure golden octave that is from the Tao vying to help this creation self heal. 在你心轮深处,是一个来自于道的纯金色音阶,那是奋力来帮助这一造物自我疗愈的。
- As the distortion self heals, thenthe creations pulls itself out of the muck and into a harmonious energy flowagain, and can ascend home. 当扭曲被自我疗愈后,造物把自己从糟乱里拉出,再次进入一个和谐能量流里,并能提升回家。
- As the, regions that hold tension release they will begin to relax, or regions that are terribly diseased can begin to self heal. 当紧张的身体部位释放紧张时,它们就开始放松,或者严重患病的部位可以开始自我疗愈。
- The technology and equipment of hot filling for bottled acidic beverage with self heal,chrysanthemum and mulberry were intrduced. 介绍了以夏枯草、菊花、桑叶中草药为原料,生产酸性瓶装清凉饮料的生产工艺和设备;
- Perhaps it requires understanding the nature of the white man to map carve a resolution to the experience through forgiveness so that all may self heal and go home. 也许我们需要理解白人的性质,来地图绘制出一个通过原谅而解决的出路,以便一切生灵都可以自我疗愈和回家。
- If you have an autistic child or work with autistic children, then please call upon our kingdom and we will try to do what we can to allow for those that can to begin self heal. 如果你有一个孤独症孩子,或正与孤独症儿童一起工作,请呼唤我们王国,我们将尝试去做我们能做的,来让那些人能开始自我疗愈。
- Now, a technology that allows antennas to bend fluidly and “self heal” as they get whacked around in the chaos of war could make using them a great deal easier. 目前,一项技术使天线可以像液体一样弯曲,还可以使在战乱中受损的天线进行“自我修复”,使用这种天线可以带来极大的便利。
- For those suffering from shaking in the physical in the ascent due to scarring of the nervous system, consuming pine nuts each week will allow the region to self heal by providing the necessary nutrients to develop crystalline nodes. 对于那些在提升中因神经系统创伤而忍受身体抖动的提升者,通过每周摄入松仁以提供必须的营养来发展水晶节点,可以使得这些(损伤)区域自愈。
- This intention will help the plant self heal as well as allow ascending humans to release their karma for having genetically manipulated the plant kingdoms in times past and in your personal history. 这个意想将既帮助植物自我疗愈,又帮助提升人类去释放他们在个人历史和过去时代中拥有基因修改的植物王国的业力。
- A natural skin-toned coverage cream, rich in the living energy of calendula, witch hazel, self heal and tea tree oil, to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and soothes the problem area. 有助遮盖肌肤瑕疵,蕴含金盏花等天然力量,能修复面部印痕,改善暗疮问题。
- Additionally, the installation should be self healing, also known as resiliency, if the installation is damaged. 如果损坏安装此外,安装应该self healing,称为复原
- Each wheel of holographic information will provide keys for self healing and forgiveness. 每一轮全息信息,都将提供自我疗愈及原谅的钥匙。
- You may find that you have an ancestor who was especially adept at self healing. 你可能会发现你有一名特别擅长于自我疗愈的祖先。
- May you release your fission karma and ascend into a greater depth of internal peace, love and self healing ahead. 在前方,你会释放你的裂变之业力,并提升进入一个更深的内在和平、爱和自我疗愈。
- I first adjusted his meditating techniques and then taught him the self healing Qigong. 我先教导他一些入静的技巧,接着便教他自疗气功。
- This is the gift of love and how it aids self healing at this time of ascension home. 这就是爱的礼物,也是它会怎样在此提升回家的时刻协助自我疗愈的过程。
- The Heart of the Tao has been anchored upon earth in recent months to aid earth in self healing through love. 道之心灵已在最近几个月锚定在地球上,来协助地球藉由爱而自我疗愈。
- That cut is taking a long time to heal. 那伤口要很长时间才能愈合。
- The method about spare resource configuration in DXC self healing network is discussed, which should meet the reliability of network. 研究传输域 DXC自愈网的备用容量配置方法 ;进行备用资源优化配置的前提条件是满足可靠性要求 .
- Often there are many changes in job circumstances amongst those who are legitimately ascending and self healing of their polarities within. 经常的,在那些正当提升并自我疗愈内在极性者的身上,在工作环境中会产生有很多变化。