- self defining data expression 自定义数据表示
- The Entity Framework supports an Entity Data Model for defining data at both the relational and conceptual level and a mapping between the two. 实体框架提供了称为实体数据模型的模型,该模型能在关系以及概念层上定义数据,并且在两者之间定义映射。
- PH value: Self defines the negative logarithm being hydrogen ion concentration. PH值:本身定义是氢离子浓度的负对数。
- United States Coast Guard Data Naming Standards Guidebook. 了解关于美国海岸警备队数据命名标准的更多信息。
- You must define data sources that return ready-to-use data for the report. 您必须定义返回可供报表使用的数据的数据源。
- Ontologies define data models in terms of classes, subclasses, and properties. 存在论用类、子类和属性来定义数据模型。
- In COBOL,a word or a punctuation character that associates a data name or paragraph name with its qualifier,links two or more operands in a series,or forms a conditional expression. 在COBOL语言中的一个字或一个标点符号,它把数据名或程序段名和其限定词建立联系,连接两个或更多的串行操作数,或构成一个条件表达式。
- In COBOL, a word or a punctuation character that associates a data name or paragraph name with its qualifier, links two or more operands in a series, or forms a conditional expression. 在COBOL语言中的一个字或一个标点符号,它把数据名或程序段名和其限定词建立联系,连接两个或更多的串行操作数,或构成一个条件表达式。
- For maximum platform neutrality, WSDL uses XML Schema syntax to define data types. 为了最大限度的平台中立,WSDL用XML格式语法来定义数据类型。
- The end result is that theres no need to define data tables and write code to maintain them. 最终结果是不需要定义数据表以及编写代码来进行维护。
- Apply style and formatting, set filters, define data values, and specify axis labels on charts in a report layout. 在报表布局中对图表应用样式和格式、设置筛选器、定义数据值以及指定轴标签。
- A listing provided by a compiler to enable a programmer to relate data names to the main addresses within the program. 编译程序提供的一个列表,使程序员可将数据名与程序内部的主存地址联系起来。
- That stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation. 它存储此异步操作的状态信息以及所有用户定义数据。
- Some languages let programmers define data types that specify only what data make up the type. 有一些语言允许程序员定义的数据类型只能指定组成该类型的数据。
- They cannot be used at all with the DUP operator (because you cannot define data with MASM directives or operators). 他们根本无法和DUP操作符一起使用(因为你无法使用MASM伪指令和操作符创建数据)。
- Creates an object file containing machine code, linker directives, sections, external references, and function data names for the selected file. 创建一个对象文件,在其中包含选定文件的机器码、链接器指令、节、外部引用以及函数名或数据名。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- An alternate name for a member of a partitioned data set. 一分区数据集中某成员的替换名。