- But it is the third trend Keeling discovered that has focused attention on the dynamics of the atmosphere. 基林的第三个发现把他的注意方向转移到了大气的动态变化上。
- Successie rounds of computer analysis focused attention on smaller and smaller subsets of nucleotides. 计算机连续不断的分析将注意力集中在越来越小的核苷酸小分子上。
- The torch ceremonies have focused attention on causes that have languished on the world's back burner for decades. 数十年来,火炬接力仪式一直将注意力放在那些让世界苦恼的问题上。
- Global warming observed over the past century has focused attention on mantled greenhouse gas, presumed to be the likely cause. 在过去的一个世纪中发现的全球变暖趋势据推测可能是由人为的温室气体造成的。
- Shanghai Shenjun new Lander : the plate, the obvious advantage of the industry leading potential good and deserves focused attention. 上海新兰德申军:该板块中行业优势明显的龙头股潜力不俗,值得重点关注。
- In doing this,we focused attention to the physical concept and avoided tedious mathematical derivation.Thus this elucidation is of pedagogical meaning. 论述集中于物理概念,避免了烦琐的数学推导,有助于对高聚物熔体粘度与分子量的关系获得进一步的了解。
- In recent years,the expert system applied for fault diagnosis and restoration of power systems has focused attention of many authers. 专家系统应用于电网调度故障判断和处理已成为专家系统在电力系统中应用的热门研究课题。
- The result implies the intermittence, rather than the stable structure, of the filamentation caused by self focusing. 结果表明由自聚焦导致的成丝现象具有间断性,而不是一种稳态的模式。
- When they first fall in love, Fisher explains, couples often show the signs of surging dopamine: Increased energy, less need for sleep or food, and highly focused attention. 当他们第一次相爱;费雪解释;夫妻常常涌动多巴胺迹象表明:增加能源、那么需要睡眠或食物、高度集中注意力.
- The mystery has focused attention on an intriguing and very unconventional hypothesis: a fourth kind of neutrino may be bouncing in and out of extra dimensions. 现在,他们认为其中的奥秘就在这个有趣又奇特的假设中:有第四种风味的微中子,在四维和额外维度之间来去穿梭。
- It can be used to optimize the all optical switch design for different materials (self focus and defocus), nonlinear indices and wavelengths. 此设计方法可以对不同的材料(自聚焦、自散焦)、不同的非线性折射率和波长等进行波导全光开关优化设计。
- They focus attention on the forces behind a problem. 它们关注问题背后的力量。
- Pictures are often cropped to focus attention on a particular area. 经常对图片进行裁剪,以将注意力集中于特定区域。
- They commonly focus attention upon easily recognizable criteria of action. 它们通常把注意力集中在作用的易于识别的尺度上。
- In this paper, the effect of quintic nonlinearity on modulational instability in the anomalous dispersion regime of self focusing fiber from extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation is considered. 从带五次非线性项的扩展非线性薛定谔方程出发,重点考虑了五次非线性对常用的自聚焦光纤中反常色散区调制不稳定性的影响。
- This paper mainly discussed how to design and actualize the Intelligent Household Appliance on WinCE operating system and X86 hierarchy, and focused attention on the key technical factors and engineering process. 本文主要论述了如何设计与实现基于WinCE+X86体系、Internet与CATV融合网络的家庭智能终端接收系统,重点分析和阐述了家庭智能接收终端研究和开发中的若干技术问题以及其工程实现,同时还就终端系统测试内容和结果做出了论述:
- Focus attention: developers consortia Wang-- predators handshake fish do? 焦点关注:地产商合纵连横--大鳄握手小鱼怎办?
- As we cannot study all the materials, I propose to focus attention on one. 因为我们不可能研究所有的材料,所以我建议集中精力研究其中的一个。
- It focuses attention and provides the foundation for your marketing campaign. 它着重注意您提供了基础营销战役。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。