- A thermostat is a device for regulating temperature. 恒温器是调节温度用的装置。
- "The termites nest is a system like our bodies.It's self regulating temperature-wise and that, in a way, is an excellent model for a building. 白蚁巢系统就像我们的身体,它可以自我调节温度,在某种程度上来说这是建筑的好模型是我们新陈代谢的继续。
- A device for automatically regulating temperature by starting or stoping the supply of heat. 通过开始或停止提供热量自动调节温度的装置。
- Ablution nozzle can also listen to the oral directives regulating temperature or under water volume. 声控的沐浴喷头还可以根据口头指令调节水温或喷水量。
- Q. Is the any way that I can self regulate my Rolex? 有什么办法可以自己调校我的劳力士吗?
- By means of regulating temperature on regenerator top of coke oven, the heating systems used on No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 coke ovens are automatically controlled by computer. 通过调节焦炉蓄热室顶部温度,对1、2、3号焦炉的加热系统进行了计算机自动控制。
- fuzzy self regulating PID control 模糊自整定PID控制
- Temperature regulating microcapsule can regulate temperature when the phase change material (PCM) in it and takes place phase change. 调温微胶囊是一种内含相变物质,且在发生相变时具有调温功能的微胶囊。
- AMCA International is a valuable resource and a strong means of self regulation for our industry. AMCA国际是规范和自律我们的行业的重要资源和强有力的手段。
- Not uncommonly they spend too much time alone and turn to alcohol and other substances as a means of self regulation. 他们多数时候独处,并借助酒精或其他物质来进行自我调节,这些情形都很常见。
- Business Psychologist, David Chang, lists self regulation and variety as things that really make a difference in the workplace. 商业心理学家的大卫,列出自我条例和不同的状况,会让自己在工作场合表现突出。
- Lord Irvine said he agreed with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not offer sufficient control. 该法案将提出,付款给证人是非法的;在审判开始前,对案件的暴光程度也要严格控制。
- Regulate temperature, humidity and remove harmful gas phase contaminants in environmentally sensitive areas. 调节温度、湿度,清除环境敏感区域中的有害气态污染物。
- To determine optimal treatment time for the home user, one can learn to self regulate or self medicate by following a fairly simple protocol. 家庭使用紫外线治疗者,在决定最佳治疗时间时,应遵循一个明确简单的规则,然后学会自我控制和调节治疗。
- Lubricants may secondarily control corrosion, regulate temperature, electrically insulate, remove contaminants, or damp shock. 润滑剂可间接地控制腐蚀、调节气温、用作电绝缘体、去除污染物或制止振动等。
- The Commission is cautiously optimistic that the privacy issues raised by online behavioral advertising can be effectively addressed through meaningful, enforceable self regulation. 在线行为广告所引发的隐私问题可以通过有意义的,可执行的自律而有效地解决,对此委员会是审慎而又乐观的。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- They weave vegetation together in coordinated parallel rows, and collectively keep their nest at a steady temperature, although not a single ant has ever lived who knows how to regulate temperature. 它们排成协调的并行行列,一起迂回穿行在植物间,共同使其巢穴保持衡温,尽管从来没有一只知道如何调节温度的单体蚂蚁存在过。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。