- Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy. 要想成为一个自立、自尊的民主国家,希腊必须有一个健全的体制。
- Self Support - Select a Product Solution Center. 自助式支持-选择产品解决方案中心。
- Air,food and drink are necessary to support life. 空气,食物和水是维持生命所必需的。
- The atmosphere of Mars could not support life. 生命无法在火星的大气环境下生存。
- She couldn't support life without friends. 没有朋友她就过不了日子。
- Oxygen is necessary to support life. 氧是维持生命的必要元素。
- Air, food and drink are necessary to support life. 空气,食物和水是维持生命所必需的。
- They are much too hot to support life, Queloz said. 而木星、土星等因为太热而没有生命,库罗斯说。
- How many of these planets would be able to support life? 这些行星中有多少适合于生命生存呢?
- Puritan town councils expected widows and unattached women to be self supporting and for a long time provided needy spinsters with parcels of land. 清教徒的镇议会认为寡妇和未婚女性也应该自食其力,而且在相当长一段时期里,向贫困的老而未婚的女子提供土地。
- The atmosphere in a mine following an explosion,high in carbon dioxide and incapable of supporting life. 矿中发生爆炸后的空气,含大量二氧化碳,不能维持生命。
- Marie Stopes International China (MSIC), under the support of UNDP, UNAIDS and Ford Foundation, has been supporting GIPA initiatives and PLWHA individuals and self support groups in China since 2002. 玛丽斯特普国际组织中国代表处一直鼓励艾滋病毒感染者参与到艾滋病知识的培训等项目中。
- Supporting A planet would have to be a very long way from it to be capable of supporting life. 那么一颗行星为了维持生命就要离它的恒星非常远。
- The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life. 生物圈地球及其大气中有生物生存或能够维持生命的部分
- So the Happy Villiage was a big family isolated from the word, they were self supported and were able to maintain the vivacious culture from tribal era. 所以快乐村是一个与外界隔绝的大家庭,自耕自织,保存着部落时代的活泼文化。
- It supports life in some of the harshest conditions imaginable," he said. 这个海沟支持着在人们能够想象的最严酷的生存条件下生活的生物。”
- Although the two spacecraft are not designed to search for life, they will seek out conditions that could support life. 虽然设计两艘太空船的目的并不是寻找生命,但它们将寻找生命存在的条件。
- Carbon dioxide does not support life and may produce immediately hazardous atmospheres. 二氧化碳不支持生命,可以立刻产生危险的空气。
- It is nontoxic but does not support life and acts as an asphyxiant.It is the lightest element/gas known. 无毒,但人吸入后不能维持生命,有窒息性,是最轻的气体/元素。
- Love will defeat death and fear for death, and only love can support life and prolong it. 爱可以战胜死亡和对死亡的恐惧,只有爱才能使生命维持和延续下去。