- Self sustaining gardening has to do with allowing foods to self fertilize. 自我维生菜园与允许植物自我施肥有关。
- First, predation is a constant of history, yet never before did it lead to self sustaining growth anywhere. 首先,掠夺行为自古有之,而此前在任何地方都没有带来经济的持续增长。
- The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining,genetically diverse population. 繁殖大熊猫的目的是圈养种群的自我维持和保持遗传多样性。
- This creates the first steps towards a self sustaining system of breath where one provides for oneself between physical and nonphysical realms. 这创造了自我呼吸供养系统的第一步,一个人在物质和非物质带之间自己供应自己。
- The other difference in living &nonliving is that living is self sustaining, has ability to reproduce; whereas nonliving is just a progressing expression of combined atoms. 生命和非生命另外的一个区别就是生命是自我维持的,它有能力进行再生产;而非生命则只是组合起来的原子的一个表达过程。
- Next we shall ascend into self sustaining biology in which each waste produced by one organ gland or system will meet another organ gland or system's need. 接着,我们将提升入自我维生的生物体,在其中,你器官腺体或系统产生的每一废物将会满足你另一个器官腺体或系统的需要。
- China vs USA! C. Ries would severe trade connectionsweakening both countries but since China is the only country in the world with a self sustaining economy, they'd hardly be affected. 其他都没有关系,一旦战争爆发很多国家都会中断和两国的贸易往来,这。
- Nature is drawing upon these records at this time to create a valid pathway to the crystalline form, as each species was not only crystalline in this era, but some were actually self sustaining. 大自然正在此刻抽取这些记录,并创造一个进入水晶体的合法路径,因为在那个时期不仅每个物种都是水晶体的,事实上有些还是自我维生的。
- The dual tones as they are mastered can be combined into quad tones and then into the quantum leap of the Language of ONE or photonic self sustaining through-form. (See Products for more information. 双音调当被掌握时就可被组合成四音调,随后进入到全一之语的量子飞跃或者说自我维生的光子思想形态当中(请看产品[中译文]来获得更多信息)。
- This translates into many emerging ascending adults at 3000 strands that have mastered this level, whom then may go on to master living in a self sustaining community together in unity, honor and joy. 这等同于,将有许多已掌握这一水准(3000股)的提升成人出现,他们此后将继续学会并掌握以统一、尊重和欢乐而生活在一个自我维系的社区中。
- All arguments that a nation of millions of poor hungry people should not invest millions into space missions are bogus - the Indian space program is self sustaining and profit making! 有人认为在有这么多人贫困的国家不应该投资于没有意义的太空事业,这是错误的!
- In addition, it is an inner variable for a nation, or a region, esp. for the main body of the market, enterprise to possess its sustainable capability of competitiveness. 随着世界经济一体化和知识全球化的不断深入,企业单靠企业内部拥有的资源来获得竞争优势已日趋困难。
- At the end of research, we found that incubator could obtain professional R&D knowledge by R&D alliances, but it was difficult for incubators to transform this knowledge into sustained capability. 惟值得注意的是育成中心普遍无法有效将这些专业予以有效的转化与运用,并成为提升育成中心竞争优势之实质能力。
- Golf Course irrigation at Kau Sai Chau is self sustained without any draw on external water sources and government mains. 没有借助任何外在水源或政府运输管道下,滘西洲高尔夫球场的灌溉水源是自给自足。
- As enough rise into the oneness paradigm, humanity overall could be pulled into the paradigm of self sustainability even more rapidly than anticipated at this time. 当有足够多人类上升到全一范式中时,人类整体就能被全部拉进自我维生的范式,甚至要比在此刻所预期的更为迅速。
- The act or capability of attracting. 吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或能力
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。